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There is little shit to do on a Saturday. And since I'm on probation, I've been regulated to staying at the house. Unless Clio decides she wants to take me somewhere. I heave a huge breath, staring at myself in the mirror. I'm sexy as fuck, not to be cocky. But I know I look good. It's not exactly something I can't know. I've been told plenty of times.

I run my hands through my long blonde-brown hair. I should cut it. But she told me she liked short hair, and just no. Maybe if I keep my hair long she won't like me.

I turn away from those thoughts before I end up a shaking ball in the corner of my room.

Music is playing loudly in my room. I sing along under my breath, pacing. I need to get out of this room. I need to talk to somebody. Anybody. Or get laid. Something to take my mind off of things.

Clio, my mind whispers. But no. I refuse to talk to her. I'd rather punch myself in the balls. Repeatedly.

Somebody knocks at the door. "Don't come in, I'm naked." I don't need to talk to the other boys either.

The door opens anyway. "You ain't got nothin' to look at anyway," Clio says, sticking her head in. "So your little whore is at the front door talkin' about swimmin' with you in OUR pool. Get rid of her. We don't have enough chlorine to kill her STDs."

Kayla? Oh thank God. "She can't swim with us?"

"No. McSlut does not swim in our pool."

I notice the bathing suit Clio is wearing. She's showing off wide hips and a nice shapely ass. Her breasts look amazing. I feel something stirring inside of me. I shake it off. It's CLIO.


She turns, and before she can go, my hand, with a mind of its own, grabs her left cheek. And I get a nice handful. "That'd be great to hold on to during sex," I say, following her out.

"Yeah, but you'll never know." She wriggles, almost teasingly, and heads towards the backyard.

I go towards the front door, where Kayla is standing in a see-through white dress over a skimpy black bikini, her fiery hair pulled into a bun on the top of her head, showing off her tanned, slender neck and anchor tattoo on her right shoulder blade. Her eyes are dark and intense and hungry.

"Hey." She immediately wraps me up in her arms. She doesn't fit that well. She's too tall to fit snugly under my chin, and when she leans against me, she's usually on my chin. Uncomfortable. But it's not important. What matters most is the fact that I can call her whenever to do whatever.

I nuzzle the top of her head. "Mmm," I say, her body pressed tightly against mines. "Wanna swim?"

She grabs my ass. It feels funny. I really hate that part of me being touched. "What did you think I came here for?"

I grin, nibbling on her earlobe. Spire catches my gaze, and she looks horrified. It's not like she didn't know. I'll deal with her later.

She grabs my hand, pulling me towards the backyard. I know Clio is gonna be pissed, but I can care less.

Outside, Clio dives head first into the water, graceful. Dahntay and Robbie watch her too intently. I tighten my grip on Kayla's hand.

She goes into the water before me, grinning. Clio pops back up, smile turning sour. "I told you to get rid of McBitch."

"I thought you called her 'McSlut' earlier," I say.

Cat fights are always interesting. And I'm willing to bet money on Kayla. Clio is too pampered to fight.

Clio glares at me. "Same thing. So, McNasty, get your ass away from my house. I know the restrainin' order ended a few weeks ago, but you still aren't welcome. As long as Vic is here, you can't be." She wades over to where Vic is pressed casually against the pool wall.

Kayla narrows her eyes. "Listen, whore, I don't have to listen to you."

"Actually, you do. This is MY house. Not Jace's. Now, you can take him as do whatever y'all want."'

I grin. "You can join in if you want to."

"Oh please. I'd rather rip my fingernails off one by one than see you naked." She takes a deep breath. "Kayla, GO."


I decide to intervene. "Ladies, there's enough of me to share."

The look Clio gives me scares me a little.

Dahntay grabs Clio. "How about we go into the hot tub instead?" His tone of voice is off. He's dating some girl and while I'm sure he's trying to be a good, faithful boy, I don't like the way his touch is 'accidentally' brushing against Clio--who's too mad to even notice.

I glare at him. "How about Vic goes with you two? And me and Kayla can have the pool to ourselves."

Vic arches an eyebrow. "Just to let you know, chlorine burns." He pulls himself out of the pool, then helps Clio up.

"Ugh. I can't even believe this. I'm gonna have to burn my pool after this." She gives me one, final look. "An', for the record, Jace, my ass would be a hell of a lot better to grab durin' sex than HERS."

She spins off, and I can basically see the anger radiating off of her.

I turn to Kayla, knowing there's at least one angry girl I can placate without a word.

She flips me off.

I grin. "With pleasure."

I let the warm water run off of me. Taking a shower is probably the best thing ever invented. Hot water on naked skin is as good as hot hands.

I lather up, washing away Kayla.

I can hear Vic watching football in the room next to mines. He keeps letting out little whoops. Elijah, on the other side of me, is listening to TuPac as loud as he can get it.

I clench my fist, digging my nails in my palms. Everybody here has something they can do, or something they like.

As for me?

I'm a sex crazed maniac with no friends.

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