She Actually Is

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This takes place around the time of the episode " having my baby back ribs" or whatever it's called.

Topanga- Cory, about this whole pregnancy thing see I'm kinda not 

Cory- what do you mean

Topanga- there's no baby in there

(1 week later)

(Topanga realizes that her period hadn't come yet)

Topanga- (looks at her calendar and realizes her period is late) oh my period is late, it's probably just from stress it will probably be here soon

( 2 days later )

Topanga and Angela are hanging out

Topanga- I'm going to tell you something

Angela- what are you actually pregnant

Topanga- no,

Angela- what is it

Topanga- my periods late

Angela- how late

Topanga- 3 days

Angela- is yours regular

Topanga- yea, for the most part

Angela- you might be pregnant

Topanga- oh yea maybe, I didn't even think of that

Angela- have you told Cory

Topanga- no, your the only one

Angela- I think we should go get you a test

Topanga- if you really think so I will take one because it will be negative

Angela- whatever you say

(They go to the drugstore)

Angela- here they are

Topanga- (grabs one) let's go

(They check out and go back)

Angela- go take the test I want to know

Topanga- I think you are more excited then me

(Topanga goes and takes the test)

Angela- ok what are the results

Topanga- it takes 4 minutes

(4 minutes later)

Angela- ok it's been 4 minutes

Topanga- (flips over test) puts hand over mouth I can't believe this

Angela- your pregnant aren't you

Topanga- yea I am

Angela- see Cory and Shawn already knew

Topanga- yea lol

Angela- how are you going to tell Cory

Topanga- I don't know, all I know is that he will be excited

Angela- yea he will be

Topanga- the last week we have been talking about having a baby, but we decided that we were going to wait at least a year

Angela- well clearly that's not happening

Topanga- yea

(Topanga goes home)

Cory- hey, where did you go

Topanga- I was hanging out with Angela

Cory- what's wrong

Topanga- what are you talking about

Cory- you look scared and your voice sounds shaky

Topanga- oh its nothing

Cory- come here (opens his arms)

Topanga- goes over to Cory

Cory- we are not getting off this couch till you tell me either what's going on or what happened

Topanga- well nothing happened so I'm getting up (tries to get up)

(Pregnancy test falls out of her pocket)

Topanga- (try's to grab it before Cory sees)

Cory- (sees the tests) I know what's going on

Topanga- what's going on

Cory- your pregnant

Topanga- possibly

Cory- kisses her, I'm actually going to be a daddy

Topanga- I know

Cory- wait,

Topanga- what

Cory- how long have you known

Topanga- maybe 45 minutes

Cory- so you didn't know when I thought that you were pregnant

Topanga- nope, but I actually was pregnant then

Cory- see I knew

Topanga- whatever

Cory- and everyone calls me and Shawn dumb

 OneShots     boy/girl meets world Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora