And just smile

18 1 0

October 2009

Auggie wakes up Cory and Topanga by crying at 5am.

"Ugh. Not this again." Cory said as he opened his eyes.

Topanga had just gotten out of bed to go check on Auggie. "Hey bubba. What are you doing up at this time it's time for sleep." Topanga said. Auggie kept taking his hand and hitting his mouth say thing that he was hungry. "You want some milk." Auggie knodded. Topanga went to Breastfeed him. After that, "all better" Auggie looked like he was about to fall asleep and Topanga smiled and put him back in his crib and went back into her room. It was now almost 6am "I'm not even going to end up falling asleep again."

Cory tried to wrap his arms around her but she just pulled him off and got up. This was becoming a usual thing, she just kept blowing him off. Well since Auggie was born, he had kept trying but then he just gave up because he wasn't getting anywhere.

Topanga didn't even realize that she kept pushing Cory away. More that he had stopped being romantic with her, she thought it was because she had gained a noticeable amount of weight since giving birth for a second time. But that wasn't true at all, Cory found her just as attractive, actually even more than before.

They were both still in love with each other. It wasn't that, they just needed something to spice up their love life again. Their 10th wedding anniversary was coming up and Cory had something planned.

Cory got out of bed and turned off his alarm, he had been up since Auggie had woken up. Topanga had taken care of that, she always did and it kind of annoyed him. He wanted to help but she won't let him have anything but her milk at night which annoyed Cory because Auggie was over a year old now.

Meanwhile in the bathroom Cory wrapped his hands around her waist and put his head on her shoulder and started to go in for her neck as she pushed him off of her

"What's up with you. Since Auggie was born you keep pushing me off of you." Cory says

"I'm not talking about it." Topanga says

"You just keep saying that. What is it going to take for you to say something, I'll do anything for answers." Cory says

"Ok. Fine, you kept trying stuff on me and I wasn't ready yet after having him. Then when I was ready, you just kept pushing me off. I figured it was because I have gained weight since giving birth again and you didn't want anything to do with me anymore." Topanga said, she had been keeping that in for so long. She hadn't told anyone how she was feeling.

Cory's expression dropped. He just grabbed her and pulled her close so that her head was on his chest. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't know you felt like that, the fact that you thought that makes me look and feel like a piece of literal shit." Cory says

"It's ok." Topanga says

"I do have a surprise for you" Cory says

"What is it." Topanga asked

"You know our anniversary is coming up. And how we really didn't do anything for it last year." Cory says

"Yeah, I do." Topanga says

"I booked something." Cory says

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