(Im actually proud of this) 👍

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"Can I finally eat at home, now?" Cory asked sarcastically

"Can you stop being an asshole now?" She questioned back

"You've been so unreasonable lately." Cory huffed annoyed.

"Because Cory!" Topanga yelled

"Because what?" Cory yelled back

"Lately you have just been a total bitch." Topanga yells

"What are you wondering why you even married me in the first place." Yelled Cory

"I am" she said as she looked up from the ground

"Can you guys please just stop arguing" said Riley as she came out of her room

"I would stop yelling if your father wasn't acting like a total bitch."

"Just keep it down, Auggie just came into my room and asked me if you guys were going to get divorced like Ava's parents did."

As Cory looked at Riley he said "you guys go down to the bakery or something, just not in this house."

"Ok" Riley says walking away

Her and Auggie leave

"What was that for." Said Topanga, she was confused but also understood why Cory sent the kids away

"Because we need to talk, without having to worry about them hearing anything."

"Ok" said Topanga, that was the first time in a few weeks that she actually agreed with something that Cory had said. He had been getting on her nerves for any little thing that he did

Cory and Topanga go sit down on the couch, neither of them know what to say, because they  think that whatever the other one says is just going to cause another argument

While looking at the ground, Topanga finally found the words to say "I don't like the fact that we can't talk about what is pissing us off about each other."

"Honestly, at this point I don't even know what is pissing me off,"

As she looks up at him, about to talk she is cut off by him kissing her. Something which hasn't happened in a few weeks but still all of her was saying to kiss back because there was something about him no matter how mad at him she was, that she would forgive him instantly, she was more in love with him than words could ever explain, he was the man who was her forever, and had always fixed their relationship when she wasn't sure of it, the man who planned her a baby shower when he thought that she was pregnant

As Cory broke their kiss their foreheads leaned together and they gazed into each other's eyes. That was enough to fix everything "I love you" he murmured

"I love you too" she said just before she was pulled into another passionate kiss

A few hours later

As riley and auggie walked back through the door, they could see their parents snuggled up with each other on the couch, Auggie didn't realize but when Riley saw she just smiled knowing that at least one thing got better that day

Riley put herself and auggie to sleep that night and just left her parents on the couch

Cory and Topanga would wake up a few hours later, just laying in each other's arms just looking into each others eyes questioning if they should get up or not

"Where are the kids at." Topanga said

"Probably in their rooms asleep." He said, as he leaned his head down to kiss her cheek

"Yeah. Maybe we should go sleep in our bed too." She said "our backs will thank us later."

"Yeah they will." Cory did as he chuckled

Cory got up from the couch, she was still laying there "what am I going to have to carry you."


Cory picked up her and she wraps her legs around his waist and puts her head on his shoulder

"I love you" she whispered in his ear while he was walking to their room

"I love you too," she said as he dropped her on to the bed

Cory smiles while looking down at his gorgeous wife, he was so in love

"What are you looking at." Topanga said

"Oh me" Cory said

"Oh come on just admit it." She said

"Just lookin at you." He said

Topanga pulled on his shirt and pulled him down so he was on her

"I love you." She said

"I love you too." He said

By that point Topanga was cuddled up on Cory. They were both so tired, but so in love

"We need to go away." Cory says

"What." Topanga questions

"Like a trip. Just us, not the kids." Cory says

"Oh I know. I feel like we say that all the time but it doesn't actually happen, just us sending the kids down to your parents house and staying here doesn't count." Topanga says

"Yeah. Something away from the stress of everyday life, and just away from home." Cory says

"But where. I guess is the next question." Topanga says

"Florida, Hawaii, maybe the Bahamas." Cory says

"Are our passports still good." Topanga asks

"I think so." Cory says

"Maybe Key West, or like the Bahamas."

"Wherever you want to go princess." Cory says

"Well who's paying." Topanga asks sarcastically

"Not my teacher salary. At least not for your life style." Cory says

"Oh shut it." Topanga says

"I mean your lawyer salary can afford things." Cory jokes

"Oh shut it." Topanga says

"Just somewhere with you." Cory says with a smile

Topanga smiles
"I love you."

"I love you even more."

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