Just Before

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Topanga- you know we are going to have to tell them

Cory- can't we just wait till after we move

Topanga- I want to tell them in person

Cory- of course you do

Topanga- I do

Cory- they are going to kill me

Topanga- Cory, they aren't going to kill you, we are married

Cory- and we are about to move away

Topanga- that is true

Cory- they are going to be shocked

Topanga- I mean they were excited when you thought I was pregnant

Cory- yeah

Topanga- let's go now

Cory- like right now

Topanga- yes

Cory- (sighs) ok

(They leave)

Amy- hey guys

Topanga- hi

Amy- Cory are you ok

Cory- I'm fine

Amy- ok

Cory- is Dad here

Amy- he is

Cory- we need to talk to you guys

Amy- are you guys not going to New York

Topanga- we are going to New York

Amy- ugh

Cory- sorry

Amy- I understand

Alan- oh hey guys

Topanga- hi (runs upstairs)

Alan- what's going on with her

Cory- I don't know (runs after Topanga)

Topanga- (runs to the bathroom) Cory

Cory- (holds Topangas hair back) I'm here

Topanga- (throws up) I don't like this

Cory- me neither

Topanga- (throws up again)

Cory- how you feeling now

Topanga- a bit better

Cory- want to go back downstairs now

Topanga- yeah,

Cory- what

Topanga- I'm scared, I mean we are going to have a baby in a few months and we are moving away soon

Cory- I know, I'm scared too, but we can do it

Topanga- I know

(They go back downstairs)

Amy- are you guys ok

Topanga- yeah, just my stomach is a little upset today

Amy- are you ok

Topanga- yeah

Amy- so what did you want to tell us

Alan- yeah, what is it

Cory- (squeezes Topangas hand)

Alan- just tell us already

Topanga- I'm pregnant

Amy- your what

Alan- I think she said pregnant

Amy- this is a joke right

Cory- it's not

Amy- you guys are so irresponsible, your about to move away and you decided to get fucking pregnant, you little whore ruining my sons life

Topanga- (crying)

Cory- don't you ever fucking speak to my wife that way, EVER

Alan- don't speak that way to your mother Cory

Cory- I'm sorry that I'm married, and that we decided to have a kid because we are ready, and before I cared about you opinion on things, but now after you fucking called her a whore, I FUCKING hate you guys, and you will never meet your grandchild

(Cory and Topanga walk out)

Topanga- (crying)

(They get into the car)

Topanga- (crying)

Cory- I love you

Topanga- they are right

Cory- no they aren't

Topanga- they are, I ruined your life I mean we are to young to have a kid, and it wasn't planned

Cory- they would have yelled even more if I told them it wasn't planned, (holds up Topanga face with his hands) Topanga Matthews you have never ruined my life, you have only ever made it better, and this baby will make both of our lives so much better

Topanga- I love you

Cory- I love you too

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