I found it

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Cory- (looking for toothpaste) (opens drawers) what's that (flips over pregnancy test) she's pregnant and not telling me, I wonder when she took the test, should I tell her that I know or should I wait for her to tell me, we are going to have another kid

(Later that day)

Topanga- hey Cory

Cory- hey, (sits down on the couch with her)

Topanga- wanna watch a movie

Cory- actually we need to talk

Topanga- is everything ok

Cory- actually I should be asking you that question

Topanga- (looks at Cory confused) what

Cory- is there something that you were hiding in the bathroom

Topanga- (hoping he doesn't ask any further) what are you talking about

Cory- (wraps his arm around Topanga) I found it this morning

Topanga- what

Cory- the pregnancy test

Topanga- oh yea that, I forgot about it

Cory- when did you take it

Topanga- don't be mad

Cory- why would I be mad

Topanga- like 2 weeks ago, I just put in the drawer before it even showed results, I was to scared to look at it, what did it say

Cory- well it was positive

Topanga- I'm pregnant

Cory- yes you are

Topanga- (kisses Cory) I love you

Cory- I love you too

Topanga- family of 5 now

Cory- I wouldn't have it any other way

Topanga- how are we going to tell the kids

Cory- we could just tell them when we tell everyone else

Topanga- we could do that, but I'm just scared how they are going to react, I don't know how Auggie is going to react because he said he didn't want another sibling, but I know riley will probably be excited

Cory- they will come around to the idea

Topanga- yea they will, I mean Riley wasn't the biggest fan of the idea of a little brother but look at them now

Cory- yea, see it will be fine

 OneShots     boy/girl meets world जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें