I guess we are

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This takes place during and after (Girl Meets Highschool)

Auggie- is there a big difference between 1st grade and 2nd grade

Topanga- no, 2+2, cat, red blue green, nap time, juice your good

Auggie- that was preschool, your in a dream world lady

Topanga- stop growing up, your my baby why do you kids grow up so fast

(Later that evening)
(Topanga and Cory are laying in bed)

Topanga- I have a question and I need you to answer it honestly

Cory- what is it

Topanga- how would you feel about having another one

Cory- another kid?

Topanga- yea

Cory- I wouldn't mind it, why are you asking

Topanga- I'm kinda starting to get baby fever again

Cory- you want another one

Topanga- I do, but at the same time I don't since we already have 2 kids in school and the newborn stage isn't the easiest

Cory- I mean it would be hard but we have gotten through 2 times before

Topanga- but I also hate being pregnant, but I know it's worth it in the end

Cory- I know that you hate it, but I have to agree it's worth it in the end. And you know if I could I would be pregnant for you

Topanga- I wish you could, I would have a few more kids then

Cory- so are we having another

Topanga- I'm not sure yet, let's think about it more before making a decision

Cory- ok

(They go to sleep)

(The next morning)

Topanga- (looks at her phone and sees that her period was suppose to come 1 week ago)
I couldn't be pregnant, there's no way

(Topanga goes to work)

(After work)

Topanga- (leaves work and drives to cvs) didn't think I'd be buying these yet

(She checks out and goes home)

Cory- hey, how was work

Topanga- it was good, how was your day

Cory- it was ok

Topanga- where are the kids at

Cory- auggie is sleeping over at doy's and Riley is over at mayas for the night

Topanga- oh really

Cory- I figured that we should spend some time Together if you know what I mean

Topanga- actually I had another plan

Cory- and what would that be

Topanga- (pulls pregnancy test box out of her purse) I might be pregnant

Cory- really

Topanga- yea, I just realized this morning that my period is a week late, and the last time that happened I was pregnant with Auggie

Cory- so you think that you are

Topanga- yeah.

Cory- well do you want to go take it

Topanga- yea I do

(Topanga goes into the bathroom)

Topanga- well I took the test

Cory- well what's the results

Topanga- I have to wait 3 minutes

Cory- ugh.. I thought you had the results

Topanga- nope

3 minutes later

Cory- it's been 3 minutes

Topanga- (looks at the test flipped upside down in front of them) who should flip it over

Cory- I think that you should

Topanga- no, I think that you should

Cory- how about we do it together

Topanga- ok

(They flip over the test)

Topanga- (puts hand over her mouth) I'm pregnant

Cory- (kisses her) I guess this decided that we are having another one

Topanga- yes it does

Cory- I couldn't be more excited

Topanga- me too

Cory- baby #3

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