Not Anymore

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(The Matthews Family is at the Jersey Shore for the day)

(Riley and Auggie are playing in the ocean while Cory  and Topanga are talking and watching them)

Cory- (watching Riley and auggie play)
what about another one

Topanga- another what

Cory- another kid

Topanga- you want another one

Cory- yea kinda, I miss having a baby around

Topanga- you do

Cory- yea

Topanga- well it's your lucky day

Cory- (looks at Topanga all confused) what do you mean

Topanga- I found out yesterday that I'm pregnant

Cory- your pregnant

Topanga- (big smile on her face) yes I am

Cory- actually

Topanga- yea

Cory- have you been to the doctors yet

Topanga- no, I found out yesterday, I figured I would wait till I told you

Cory- well that's a good decision

Topanga- (kisses Cory) I love you

Cory- I love you too

Topanga- I think that we should wait till it's confirmed before telling the kids

Cory- that's a good idea

The Next day

Topanga- Riley can you watch your brother for a few hours while me and your dad go to a appointment

Riley- yea mom, is everything ok

Topanga- everything is fine

Riley- can Maya come over

Topanga- you know that she is welcome over whenever

(Cory and Topanga arrive at the doctors)

Topanga- I don't know why but I have a feeling that something is wrong

Cory- what do you mean

Topanga- I don't know it's just a gut feeling

Cory- I guess we will see

(They go back to the room)

Dr. James- so when did you find out that you were pregnant

Topanga- Friday Morning

Dr.James- it doesn't look like your pregnant, but it could just be early on

Topanga- (tears in her eyes) I'm not pregnant

Dr.James- I'm going to need to get the doctor to come check this out, I'll be right back

Cory- (squeezes Topangas hand) (has tears in his eyes)

Topanga- I don't think I have ever seen you cry before

Cory- well when your crying or look like your about to cry it makes me want to cry, this isn't the first time that I have cried

Topanga- (lifts her head up to kiss him)

Dr. Brown- let me take a look (moves the ultrasound on Topangas stomach) I don't even see a sack, how many positive tests did you get

Topanga- one

Dr.Brown- ok, well I'm sorry to say, I think that it might have been a false positive, but just to check (pulls pregnancy test  out of the drawer) go take this

Topanga- (she goes to the bathroom and takes the test)

3 minutes later

Dr. Brown- it's negative, I believe that your previous test may have been a false positive

Topanga- (puts her head into her hands) (sniffling)

Dr. Brown- I'll give you guys a bit

Cory- (stands next to Topanga and wraps his arms around her and puts his head on her shoulder) (tear rolls down his face) I love you

Topanga- I love you too

Cory- we will get through this together

Topanga- like always

Cory- yep

Topanga- your to good to me

Cory- (kisses Topangas cheek) well I'm always here for you

(Cory and Topanga go home)

Riley- (notices that Topangas face is all red) mom are you ok

Topanga- yea I'm fine I'm just going to go lay down

(Topanga goes back to her room)

Cory- just be easy on your mom for a bit, we just got some not so good news

Riley- what's going on

Cory- you don't need to worry about it

Riley- ok,

(Cory goes back to check on Topanga)

(Topanga laying in bed crying)

Cory- hey, can I come lay with you

Topanga- (in between sniffles) yea

Cory lays down next to Topanga

Cory- I love you

Topanga- I love you too

Cory- do you want to talk about it

Topanga- talk about what, the fact that I thought that I was pregnant and then we go to the doctors and I let you down 

Cory- (squeezes Topanga a little harder) you didn't let me down

Topanga- really

Cory- yea, of course I was excited for the baby, but I'll always be here to comfort you

Topanga- really

Cory- yea, there is no where that I would rather be

Topanga- (smiles)

Cory- and if you want to try for another one I'll be here then too

Topanga- not yet

Cory- ok (kisses Topangas head)

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