Surprise 👶🏻

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Cory and Topanga didn't tell anyone that Riley was born

They show up in Philly and surprise them

"Ready for this?" Cory asks looking back at Topanga and Riley in the backseat

"Yeah." Topanga  says

"They still don't even know that we are coming down." Cory says as he starts to get out of the ear

"Can you get her out." Topanga asks

"Yeah." Cory says walking around the car to get Riley out

Cory and Topanga kiss

They walk up to the door and Cory knocks

Morgan opens the door

"Hey." Morgan says

"Hey." Cory says holding Riley's car seat

Morgan sees the car seat. Her eyes widen

Amy and Alan walk into the living room

They also see the car seat

"She's here?" Amy says

"Yeah." Topanga says

Cory gets Riley out of her car seat

He gives her to his mom

"When was she born?" Alan asks

"December 5th. At 8:28am." Topanga says

Amy gives her to Alan

"What's her name?" Amy asks

"Riley Amelia Matthews." Cory says

"I can't believe you guys didn't tell us that she was born." Amy says

"We wanted some time as just the three of us before we brought her anywhere or introduced her to anyone." Cory says

Riley starts to fuss

"She's hungry." Topanga says

Alan gives Riley back to Topanga and she feeds Riley

"Can I hold her?" Morgan asks

"Yeah." Topanga says

Topanga gives Riley to Morgan

"I have a niece." Morgan says looking down at Riley

Amy looks over at Alan.
"And we are grandparents."

"I like her." Morgan says

"So do I." Topanga says

"Yeah. She's been an easy baby." Cory says

"Easy delivery. Long but wasn't bad. And she has been so easy." Topanga says

"How long were you in labor for?" Amy asks

"30 hours. But my contractions weren't that bad. And by the time they started to kind of get bad we were at the hospital and I got a epidural." Topanga says

"That's good." Amy says

"Yeah." Topanga says

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