Its a baby

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Before Riley comes, all Cory does in his free time is just sit in the nursery. Topanga didn't realize until she was looking for him.

"Hey, whatcha doing." Topanga asks

"Just thinking." Cory says

"About Riley." Topanga asks

"Yeah, and just how much are lives are going to change. It's no longer going to be just us." Cory says

"Yeah." She says as she puts a hand on her stomach and groans in pain

"Are you ok." Cory says standing up

"Yeah, it's just a contraction." Topanga says

Cory motions for Topanga to sit in the chair

"That means your in labor." Cory says with slight panic in his voice

"Cory I've had this for multiple days. I'm not in labor." Topanga says

"Topanga you should have." He was cut off by Topanga

"Um Cory."

"What." Cory says

"My water just broke." Topanga says

"So you are in labor." Cory says

"Yeah, go grab the bags and put them in the car." Topanga says

"We are having a baby." Cory says with a smile on his face

Cory puts the bags in the car, then comes and gets Topanga
They go to the hospital

(They go to the hospital, Cory calls his parents. Topanga is in labor, when arrives 4cm dilated.)
(Amy and Alan rush up to New York, when they arrive she is 5cm dilated. She is in a lot of pain)
12 hours later she is only 8cm dilated. And ready to kill. Amy and Alan went to stay at their apartment and they are coming back and forth.

9 hours later

Topanga is now 10cm dilated

She kicks everyone out of the room except for Cory, who is on her nerves but you know it's his kid, and her husband.

She starts to push. Screaming bloody murder with every push. Squeezing Cory's hand so tight that he thought it was going to fall off.

After pushing for 30 minutes. They gave her 5 minutes off. Topanga cries to Cory,
"Cory I can't do this."

"Why is this so hard for me, why can't I do this."

Cory rubs the back of her hand with his thumb and kisses her forehead. He knows that always calms her down. "Baby, you are the strongest woman I have ever met. Most of the other ones would have already given up, but you. You would never give up." Cory says

Topanga looks up at him and smiles. He leans down and kisses her
Topanga starts to push again
20 minutes later
They didn't tell anyone Riley's name before she was born
Riley Amelia Matthews is born

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