Make Babies

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"How do you make babies?" Auggie asks

Cory and Topanga exchange a glance

"That's an interesting question Augs." Topanga says

"Yeah." Cory says

"How about you take this one, Cor?" Topanga says

"How about neither of you take it?" Riley says

"Well augs. When a mommy and daddy love each other very much. A baby comes." Cory says looking over at Topanga

"Ok." Auggie says running out of the living room

Riley walks out of the room

"What about that brother Auggie was asking for. I mean we do love each other very much." Topanga says with a smirk

"You want another kid?" Cory says

"Yeah. I do, I know you do too." Topanga says

"Yeah. I do. I didn't think you did." Cory says

"Well. Lately." Topanga says

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