Its my Niece

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Eric- I just found my niece

Alan- you mean niche

Eric- no, it's my niece

Amy- what

Eric- Topanga had child


Eric- you didn't know this

Alan- is it corys?

Eric- obviously, if it wasn't it wouldn't be my niece

Amy- she just had the baby

Eric- like 2 days ago

Alan- how did you know about this

Eric- Cory told me

Amy- when did he tell you

Eric- few months ago

Alan- where are they at

Eric- I can't say

Amy- tell me

Eric- her house

Alan- I'm leaving

Amy- I'm coming with you

Eric- this isn't good

Morgan- no kidding

Eric- they aren't going to be very happy with me

Morgan- I can't believe they didn't tell us

(Amy and Alan leave)

Cory- hey

Amy- what the hell

Cory- is this about the baby

Alan- yes

Amy- Cory why didn't you tell us that you got Topanga fucking pregnant

Cory- because I knew you guys would respond like this

Alan- how could you two be so irresponsible

Cory- I don't know (shuts the door)

Alan- don't you shut that fucking door on me

Cory- (locks the door)

Topanga- who was that

Cory- my parents

Topanga- they didn't know

Cory- yeah

Topanga- they freaked

Cory- freaked would be a understatement

Topanga- really

Cory- yeah

Topanga- how bad

Cory- not sure the next time I'll speak to them

Topanga- I'm sorry,

Cory- why are you sorry

Topanga- I know you had a good relationship with your parents, and I ruined that because I got pregnant

Cory- Topanga, I got you pregnant, and besides if they don't want to be supportive then I don't want them in my life. I would much rather be with you and Hazel

Topanga- (smiles) I love you

Cory- I love you too

Amy from outside yelling
"You better let us in right now."

"I don't want Hazel growing up around this. Them." Cory says

"Yeah." Topanga says

Cory opens the door

"If you don't leave. I will call the cops." Cory says

Amy and Alan leave

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