The Fight

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Cory- I hate you

Topanga- I hate you even more (takes off her rings) I'm done with this

Cory- (realizes) Topanga please, I love you

Topanga- (crying) I'm leaving

Cory- fine leave then

Topanga- (walks out)

(Riley walks into her parents room)

Riley- is everything ok, I heard you and mom arguing

Cory- (crying) riley don't worry about it, everything is fine

Riley- (sees Topangas rings on the dresser) I don't think everything is fine

Cory- and why wouldn't everything be fine

Riley- your crying, mom left, and her rings are on the dresser

Cory- ok fine, me and your mom got into a little argument and then it escalated and we can see what happened

Riley- (hugs Cory) I love you dad

Cory- I love you too riles, please just don't tell Auggie

Riley- I won't


Topanga- (gets into the car) where should I even go, it's the middle of the night

(45 minutes later)

Topanga- (knocks on the door)

Angela- what are you doing here it's 3am

Topanga- I think me and Cory might be getting a divorce

Angela- What

Topanga- yea

Angela- why

Topanga- let's go sit down and I can tell you

Angela- ok

(They go sit down)

Topanga- so we started arguing over something small, I don't really remember what it was, but then it escalated quite far and I took off my rings and told him I was done

Angela- has this happened before

Topanga- to quite to this extent, but recently we have been arguing more

Angela- what have the arguments been about

Topanga- just little things like not putting clothes in the basket, or what's for dinner. Well and sex

Angela- could it also just be that you both have been so stressed with your lives and the kids you haven't had time for each other and you are taking out on each other

Topanga- sometimes I forget that this is what you do for a living

Angela- yep, I do this all day, I deal with a bunch of cases like yours

Topanga- what do you think that we should do

Angela- first I think that you and Cory should have a conversation about how this is affecting your relationship. And then I would recommend time away with just you and him to rekindle your relationship and to just put you 2 first

Topanga- I can't even remember the last time we had more than a night to ourselves, let alone a trip

Angela- and you should make spending time just you 2 a thing that happens every so often

Topanga- yeah, he's going to be so mad at me for leaving now

Angela- Topanga, he's probably sitting there crying because you left, and when you get back all he's going to want to do is love you

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