It cant be

42 0 0

TW- Death, car accident

It's been a week since the unimaginable happening, Topanga still can't believe it

Her rock
Her everything
The one she could go to for anything was gone

1 week prior

Cory- hey I'm going to work now

Topanga- ok, (walks over to him and gives him a kiss) I love you

Cory- I love you too

Topanga- what time will you be home tonight

Cory- probably around 4:30

Topanga- ok, be safe

Cory- I will

(3 hours later)
Topanga is at work and she gets a phone call

Topanga- hello, who is this

Person on the phone- hello this is south valley hospital, is this Topanga Matthews

Topanga- (voice shaking) yes, is everything ok

Person on the phone- i am calling to let you know that your husband has been in a fatal car accident involving a drunk driver

Topanga-(tear running down her face) is he ok

Person on the phone- im sorry to let you know, he didn't make it

Topanga- (breaks into tears) (hangs up the phone and screams)

(Nancy is Topangas coworker)

Nancy- is everything ok

Topanga- nothing will ever be ok again

Nancy- what happened

Topanga- Cory just died in a car accident

Nancy- (walks over to Topanga) (and helps her up) im sorry (gives her a hug) do you want me to drive you over to the hospital

Topanga- please

Nancy- ok I will, let me just go tell Steve

(Steve is their boss)

Nancy- he said we can go

Topanga- (still uncontrollably crying) ok

(They drive over to the hospital)

Nancy- we are here for Cory Matthews, this is his wife

Secretary- ok he is in room 115

Nancy- ok thank you, do you want me to come with you

Topanga- I don't know

(They go up to corys room)

Topanga- I don't know if I can go in

Nancy- I know it's hard but it's probably best for you to go in and see for yourself, because if you don't you will probably regret it

Topanga- ok

(Topanga goes in alone)

Topanga- I know you aren't here with us and the kids anymore but I want you to know that I love you so much, and me and the kids miss you so much, I have no idea how I'm going to tell the kids this, or Shawn and your family. It's going to be so hard without you, I already miss you so much. You didn't know yet but I had a special night planned for us where I was going to tell you that I'm pregnant again. You would have been so excited, but now without you it's not even that exciting

Nurse- hello, are you his wife

Topanga- yes I am

Nurse- I am sorry for your loss

Topanga- thank you

(4 hours later)

Topanga is sitting on the couch to tired to even cry anymore and has no motivation or energy to do anything

Riley gets home

Riley- hey mom, where's dad at he wasn't at school today

Topanga- I I I (starts uncontrollably crying again)

Riley- was it something bad

Topanga- (nods her head). It I want to tell you and your brother at the same time

Riley- ok

(Half hour later)

Auggie- I'm home, what's going on why is mommy crying

Topanga- hey buddy, can you come over here please

Auggie- sure

Topanga- so something happened to your father today, that would be why I am crying

Auggie- what happened

Topanga- you won't see much of him anymore

Riley- did you guys get divorced

Topanga- no

Auggie- then what happened

Topanga- (voice shaking) on his way to work his car got hit by a drunk driver

Riley- is he ok

Topanga- this is words I never wanted to say to you guys but, he's gone

Auggie- what do you mean by gone

Topanga- he passed away

Riley and auggie start crying

Topanga- (pulls them in close) we will get through this together

Riley- like gone gone

Topanga- yeah

Auggie- I want my daddy

Topanga- I know bubbas, I want him too

The next day

Shawn- what's going on

Topanga- it's bad

Shawn- how bad

Topanga- he's gone

Shawn- gone like dead?

Topanga- yeah

Shawn's eyes filling with tears

Shawn- this is a joke right, corys about to come around that corner

Topanga- Shawn it's not a joke

Shawn- if you ever need anything, you or the kids. I'm here

Topanga- thank you. (Hugging Shawn, both of them are crying)

Shawn- have you told Amy and Alan yet?

Topanga- no. I don't even know how to. I haven't told anyone this yet, I'm pregnant

Shawn- your pregnant

Topanga- yeah. Can you help me tell them

"Yeah." Shawn says hugging Topanga

"Hey." Topanga says

"Hey. Everything ok?" Amy asks

"No." Shawn says

"We need to talk to you guys." Topanga says

"Where's Cory?" Alan asks

Topanga just looks at him

"We should sit down." Shawn says, they all go out to the living room

"Where is Cory?" Amy asks

"He's gone." Topanga says trying to hold it together

"What do you mean gone?" Alan asks

"He was in a car accident. He's dead gone." Shawn says

"No. No. No. no." Amy yells

"This is a joke right. He's about to come around the corner right." Alan says

"He's gone. He's not coming back." Topanga says

 OneShots     boy/girl meets world Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz