You went out with him?

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Riley- hey mom

Topanga- what, sweetie

Riley- oh I just have a question

Topanga- what is it

Riley- did you ever go out with other guys, besides dad

Topanga- I did, why are you asking

Riley- you know how my life is going, I was just wondering

(Cory walks in the room)

Cory- you know she went out with Uncle Shawn before

Topanga- (glares at Cory) I thought we said that we weren't going to tell them that

Riley- (shocked) you went out with Uncle Shawn

Topanga- yeah well, sorta

Riley- what. How. when

Cory- well, one time Shawn asked her out to the movies, when I liked her, he knew that, but he also knew that I liked her but I was to scared to ask her out, but by the end of the night we were dating

Topanga- yeah, I have to say that ended by being a good night

Cory- yeah, and there was also a second time,

Riley- there was another time

Topanga- yeah, that time was all your dads fault

Riley- what do you mean

Cory- well, see our freshman year of college when we still lived in Philly we were chosen as the favorite freshman couple and we had to film a college tour, and I couldn't pronounce words so they had Shawn do it instead with your mom

Topanga- yeah, and at the end me and Shawn had to kiss, your dad thought we had feelings for each other, and made us go out on a date

Riley- dad, that sounds like your fault

Topanga- it was

Cory- yeah, I have to admit it wasn't my smartest moment

Topanga- no kidding

Riley- (walks out of the room)

Cory- mine now

Topanga- yeah I am

Cory- going out with Shawn anytime soon

Topanga- well actually

Cory- just shut up and kiss me

Topanga- (kisses Cory)

Cory- and that feels right

Topanga- what

Cory looks at her

Topanga- I love you Cornelius

Cory- I love you to- wait who told you that

Topanga- no one. Just shut up and kiss me

Cory kisses her passionately

Cory- ok. Who told you that

Topanga- I've always known

Cory- of course you have.

Cory kisses her again

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