No Expanding

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Alan- and don't expand, if you know what I mean (leaves)

Cory- dad is crazy

Topanga- what is he's not

Cory- what, are you pregnant

Topanga- I'm not pregnant, I was just thinking about

Cory- having another one

Topanga- yea, but I'm not 100% on it though

Cory- why aren't you

Topanga- there will be such a large age gap from Riley to this new baby and we are finally getting to the point where the kids don't need help with anything, and besides now we get more alone time with just us

Cory- I do enjoy that time alone, but I would say that decision is up to you because, as I said when we were talking about baby #2, I'm not the one who will be pregnant, and we all know how much you hate pregnancy

Topanga- I do, but at the same time I know that it is all worth it in the end when I get to hold my baby in my arms

Cory- that is true

Topanga- yea,

Cory- what about if we just try for a few months and if we get pregnant we do, and if we don't we don't

Topanga- we can do that

Cory- wanna go try right now

Topanga- we can't

Cory- ugh, why not

Topanga- I'm on it

Cory- oh

Topanga- yeah, I know we booked this around it so I wouldn't be on it, but look who decided to come early

Cory- come here (opens his arms) I love you

Topanga- I love you too (places her head on corys chest)

Cory- so what do you want to do now

Topanga- wanna go watch a movie

Cory- sure, I will even let you pick what movie

Topanga- oh really

Cory- yeah, who knows how much of the movie we will even watch

Topanga- oh we will be watching the movie

Cory- sure we will

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