Rant- GMW

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This is me ranting about girl meets world since everyone in my life has told me to shut up about it

I don't think girl meets world should have been on Disney. It would have been better on a channel with more freedom and less strictness about what the episodes can be about, honestly instead of girl meets world I would have preferred a spin-off of Cory and Topangas life with the kids instead of it just focusing all on Riley (who is very much an idiot sometimes) with my idea of just a Cory and Topanga spin-off I have SO MANY ideas for that it's just crazy. (I have a whole note on my phone just for them) back to how terrible gmw was, I think Cory and Topangas relationship should have more of a focus. But since it was on Disney it couldn't be. With bmw it dealt with cults, drugs, alcohol and just way more stuff instead of what gmw did. I think if gmw was just done by like abc or something it would have been way better. Even with gmw I have better storylines then them, let's just say hardly any of them, probably none of them Disney would approve of since they are picky. I also think gmw should have been approved for a 4th season, I feel like they cut characters short and they could have expanded more on relationships as well as friendships. I also feel like bmw should have gone a bit farther and not just ended where it did (it still makes me cry with the ending scene) or I feel like there should have been something covering what happened in the years between since last time we saw Cory and Topanga they were just moving to New York as newlyweds and now they have 2 kids and are in their 30s. I feel like it would have been fun to see corys reaction to Topanga telling him that she is pregnant and his reaction to her giving birth. Also it would have been fun to see them with toddlers and babies. Off that note I think they should have had another kid during gmw. I feel like it would have made the storyline even better, at least that's my opinion in that topic

- the rant -
- by emily-
- thanks for reading all my thoughts about this now I have to go back to my homework -

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