In celebration of Hazard's first live

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ChopperxHazard's random chats part 2!!!!


🐶: Why do you always look so petrified in all of your photos?
🐱: That's my resting bitch face.


🐱: So your dad's gonna adopt me?
🐶: More like, you're adopting him.


🐱: It's exhausting watching over the kids.
🐶: Alex and Ash? Huh. Guess they're at that age.
🐱: Noooo. Not the babies. I'm talking about those two rascals the twins love to call Dada and Papa.


🐶: We don't tolerate bullying in this family. That's a big no-no.
🐱: What about uncle Mild?
🐶: Well, there's always an exception.


🐱: Phi, someone commented that I look like an owl.
🐶: (Having some major flashback about being mistaken for a pig.)


🐶: I growled at anything that might pose as a threat. For example, a spider.
🐱: I growled at everything for no particular reason whatsoever. For example, a wall.


🐶: We need adult supervision if we want to play outside.
🐱: What about our dads?
🐶: ...
🐱: ...
🐱: We definitely need a different adult.


🐱: Can you believe they said I have short attention span?
🐶: How come?
🐱: I don't kn— ooohhh lizard!


🐱: Both of our surnames are very difficult to pronounce.
🐶: Try worcestershire sauce.


🐱: I heard uncle Mild had bad experiences with cats before. Think he'll like me?
🐶: Ignore him. I do.
🐱: But I thought you said he's family.
🐶: He's adopted.

(Note: WE LOVE YOU, P'MILD!!!! 🤣🤣🤣)

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