As I lay me down to sleep

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Have you ever felt this unexplained satisfaction by simply watching someone sleep?

People say happiness cannot be seen. But how can that be when mine is a breathing, living angel in front of me.

Adorably sleeping with his mouth slightly open.

Gulf immediately zonked out as soon as his head hit the pillow, giving me unlimited access to stare.

In our lives, on average, we will be asleep for a total of 8,477 days. If we're lucky, some of that time will be sleeping next to someone we love.

Only he can make my heart skip a beat even when doing nothing. Maybe that's how you know you're completely in love with someone. When you are happy spending time together, even if one of you is asleep.

I could watch him sleep all night and never get bored.

Before, I would wake up in the middle of the night feeling lonely for no apparent reason. Now I still wake up randomly, but as I shift under the blanket I would feel him beside me and I'd find myself at ease. There is no stress, no worry, and no anxiousness. And I know, loneliness doesn't have a place in this bed anymore.

Sometimes I'd catch him doing the watching and I'd pretend sleep to see what he'll do.

I love it when he'd worm his way into my arms with his ear next to my heartbeat. Or when he'd gently tuck my hair and give me butterfly kisses so that it wouldn't disturb my 'sleep'.

And right now he's lying next to me, and I'm almost half asleep, wondering what I did to deserve this moment— to deserve him. I am far from perfect. But if there's one thing I'm sure of, I am sure that yai nong belongs with me. He was always mine. I just had to find him. And while he's here, breathing easily, dreaming good dreams I hope, all I can think about is what I can do tomorrow to be better for him than I was today.

I felt an arm around my waist pulling me closer just as I was drifting off to dreamland, and a grin involuntary forms on my face.

Surely, life doesn't get any better than this.


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