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To all waanjais,
This is for you. ❤️❤️❤️


Do you believe in the supernatural?

Things that just might appear complicated to the naked eye?

Well, you should. Because I am one.

I am called a lot of names. Ghost. Spirit. God. Elemental.

But I was here since the beginning of time that even I forgot what I am, or how I came to be. All I know is that for as long as I can remember, I walked this earth all alone, forever wandering from one continent to the next, bored out of my mind (yes, I do have one just in case you ask) and never growing attached to any place or person.

Until I stumbled upon an unusual couple. Two males. Well, at this time you can say that seeing such pairing may not be as frowned upon as the old age.

And I don't judge. I know that some people still do and if I could speak, I'll probably tell them to chill and then would gladly kick their ass to the next life.

Ehem. So yeah, back to this couple I was talking about. I've seen the likes of them before and up to now I still can't explain the reason why I'm drawn to them. No attachments, remember?

But I find myself watching them. Like a moth to a flame. There's this light around them that pulls me in. I told myself that I'd soon get over this.. fascination about them, get bored, then moved on. That was my endless cycle.

Until it was not.

Watching them was.. something. They are not perfect. They have their own issues. But they click. They match. A piece of a puzzle that is not complete without the other.

And they didn't bore me enough to get me to leave.

Not too long they started living together. And well, I sort of came along with them for a lack of better thing to do and I keep on telling myself that tomorrow I shall be on my way of continuing my journey of being a nomadic ghost, or spirit or whatever so can you just stop accusing me of being a voyeuristic psycho because that's just insulting and I may be invisible but I do give the two of them privacy when it comes to sexy time. I learned my lesson when I caught them doing the nasty in broad daylight and almost bleached my eyes if I had a physical one.

Still that wasn't enough to drive me away.

Did I mention that they added pets to their chaos?

Now animals compared to normal humans are more sensitive to my kind. The cat was unsuccessful in trying to shoo me away with its hissy fits and nasty temper. It simply resorted to giving me the stinky eye whenever I'm around. The little bear masquerading as a dog was more simple. It just altogether ignore that I am there.

But it was when they brought the two little humans that their house started feeling like a home. Everyday was full of laughter, music, and the occasional bickering. It was utter chaos. And then I think about the lonely void that is my very existence and somehow wish that I could be a part of that.

And after much contemplation I have arrived at the foregone conclusion that maybe I have grown attached. I have seen them bloom, starting with just the two of them. Now they have a family of their own. A family that I have grown to love like my own.

Now the question is, can I still leave?

"I can see you picking your food. Eat your vegetables, Alex. You too, Ash. And you," Gulf glared at Mew who was found guilty of sneakily trying to feed Chopper his veggies under the table, who sniffed the offering, growled, and then runs away as if his tail was on fire. "you're such a bad example."

Ash tried to save Mew by looking all doe-eyed and charming, "But Papa, I read somewhere that broccoli is the mother of all evil." To which Mew happily agrees.

To which Gulf simply rolled his eyes, "I'm not daddy, sweetheart. That look, and logic won't work on me."

Just as expected, Ash turned to Alex for help. Gulf hides his grin as he waited on what his son would reason out next. Really, what's with kids and vegetables?

Alex, "I'm saving them for a friend."

Gulf, "Are you expecting a friend to come over?"

Alex shook his head. "No. I'm talking about the one who watches over us."

His parents still looked positively clueless so Alex decided to shed some light. "You know. Our guardian angel that lives here with us."

Everyone, "...."

Mew, who obviously was the easiest to spook stuttered, "A-are you s-saying there's a.. g-ghost in t-the house?!" Afterwards he looked around as if the said ghost would materialized out of thin air.

Alex made a face. "Don't call it a ghost, dad. That's rude. It's an angel. A guardian angel."

I smiled at my hidden corner after hearing what the sweet kid said.

A guardian angel.

Well I have never been called that one before. But it sure has a nice ring to it.

Children do say the most adorable things. I should reward those babies some good dreams tonight.

As for the parents.. should I give them some warning about what's to come? Those teenage years doesn't look easy for them, especially when the twins started dating. Oh boy, that would be a sight to see.

If I have hands I would rub them with glee.

I am so looking forward to the next fifty or so years.

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