Forget me not

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👩🏻‍💼: What are your thoughts about growing old together?
☀️🌻: (Looking at each other while contemplating on their answers)
☀️: Should I start or..
🌻: Go ahead, phi.
☀️: (Still looking at nong) That day will surely come that we will become old men.
🌻: Like grandpas. (Giggles in baby)
☀️: (Laughs in agreement) Yes. Like grandpas. Our knees will grow weak and we'll walk slowly. Our eyesights will turn bad and dim. But I hope only the physical traits will change and our feelings would stay the same.
🌻: (Nods) Yes, that time will come when our hair will turn gray and fall.
☀️: You want us to be bald grandpas? (In shock)
🌻: That's not completely impossible, phi.
☀️: You're too cruel, tua eng. Spare my hair please.
🌻: (Teasing his phi) You're too vain. We're talking about growing old. Our skin will be all wrinkly and our backs won't be straight anymore.
☀️: (Thinking deeply) And our memories won't be that good either.
🌻: Exactly. We'll be two grandpas with dementia.
☀️: (Facepalming) The future isn't looking quite good for the two of us.
🌻: Don't worry, phi. My memory's quite good. (Confidence level: 100)
☀️: But what if I forget about you?
🌻: (Looks taken aback for a second) Then I'll wait for you to remember. I have complete trust in your memory, too. You're the smartest person I know.
☀️: (Smiles in satisfaction)
🌻: (Looking proud with himself) Can I ask that question back, phi? What if I forget about you? Will you leave me? (Makes pouty face)
☀️: (PHD brain switch mode: ON) The future is quite uncertain. We won't always be the brightest star. Tomorrow we might fade out of the spotlight. Anything can happen. We might even die. If you are confident in your memory then I will count on my feelings. Even if you forget about me my feelings will never change, so my answer will be the same as you. I will wait. And I can wait. I'm quite persistent. Leaving you will never be an option. Because leaving you is like cutting my own heart out in the open.
☀️🌻: (Major staredown contest mode: ON)
👩🏻‍💼: (Clears throat)
☀️🌻: (Suddenly remembers they're not alone)
☀️: Does that answer the original question?
🌻: What was the question again?
👩🏻‍💼: (Dead)


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