» useless

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She paced around the room. Her frantic eyes glared at everything around her—nothing could hide behind the shadows. She threw the textbook across the room; anger steamed out of her veins as I picked up her phone and read the texts over and over again. They screamed of importance only when they need something. You're only important when I need answers to homework. Only important when.

Those three words started a war between humanity and facades inside her body.

"Maybe they didn't mean to only text me when they need something. Maybe they think I'm pretty smart for knowing all of the answers. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stop making excuses for them." She muttered over and over, arguing with her inner soul and the lack of souls around her.

I grabbed her by the shoulders and stopped her as she was about to crash into an imaginary train—a train that would cause destruction and torment. She's the train. "Stop."

"What can I do?" Her voice was rocking back and forth in her mouth, hitting itself on the walls of her skull. "I'm useless. I can't be friends with someone unless they can use me as a resource."

"They are draining you. Don't you see? You keep having this paranormal state of "oh, got to take a picture of this—she'll need this" or "wait, need to copy this down again—he'll want this for the next test". They are using you. You're not becoming useless, okay? How can a human being with such talent and grace become useless? Let's say you weren't so graceful but a clumsy person. You still wouldn't be useless. Wanna know why? Because you're beautiful. Either way, you're beautiful. I'm not talking about looks, sure you have them," I smirked playfully before continuing, "but I'm talking about your mind and wisdom. You can speak volumes; you can tell a story with emotions hiding behind those letters. Everyone knows what these letters are. Everyone uses them. But you give them feelings and turn them into paintings. It's a pretty special thing to do that. And yes, I may not be the best advice giver in the world but love, you are incredible. Don't let them take that away from you."

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