» ataraxia

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"How do you manage to stay so calm in situations that come at you as if they are hurricanes bundled up into one horrible storm?"

"It's all in the manner of perspective. I can irrationally yell at someone, get upset, punch a wall, scream into a pillow, but I'd rather not."

"Does telling yourself that everything will be okay calm you down?"

Her body froze and her shoulders tensed up as if her deep darkest secret had been printed out on papers and tossed across the world. "Kinda."

"That doesn't work for me. Don't those therapists say that you have to "release your anger" in order to move on? Well, that is my strategy."

"They also say it's better to write everything out before it eats you up, flesh and bones."

"Who told you that?"

"My therapist."

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