S1, Chapter 10: Riser, Meet Your Doom.

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A/N: This fight will of course differ from the one in High School DxD, and I'll try to to not make Riser such of a totally evil cliche douchebag. (He will of course still be a piece of shit though. And yes there is a difference)

The rating game had begun, while the rest of the ORC had their assignments. Y/N and Rias were sitting in the ORC club room. She had given the rest magic headsets so that they could communicate, things had gone as it did in the anime with Koneko going to the gymnasium, only this time she was alone with no Issei. Not that it mattered after the intense training she had gone through.

(Gymnasium POV)

Entering the gymnasium she came upon four pawns from risers peerage.

Ile: All alone are we?

Nel: Pretty stupid if you ask me.

Ni: the odds are bad.

Koneko: *scoff* It's you who should be worried.

Li: Why is that?

Koneko: Because I've trained with the strongest being in this universe.

Ile: What! Wh-

She didn't even get to finish the sentence before Koneko seemingly disappeared, reappearing in front of them landing a devastating blow to the gut of Ile

She didn't even get to finish the sentence before Koneko seemingly disappeared, reappearing in front of them landing a devastating blow to the gut of Ile

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(In the stands POV)

In the stands people looked on with wonder, none more than Sirzechs.

HighCdevil1: That sure is a fast Knight!

HighCdevil2: I'd love to have her in my peerage.

SirZechs: *Looking at Raynare* That's Koneko, right?

Raynare: Yes, she's come a long way.

Kalawarner: Seeing her now it's hard to believe that she's a rook.

HighCdevil1: A rook! Surely your joking?

HighCdevil: A rook that fast? There's no way!

Raynare: That's what being trained by the strongest being in the universe looks like. Believe it if you want or don't.

(Gymnasium POV)

The two other pieces from Riser's peerage looked on scared, steeling their nerves as they attempted to attack Koneko. This though didn't get a different result. Koneko simply kept dodging the attacks if they weren't even aiming for her.

 Koneko simply kept dodging the attacks if they weren't even aiming for her

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A Devil king and his subjects [High School DxD x Male Reader] (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now