S2, Chapter 7: The Aftermath

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a/n: Small question about the writing style, I personally think that the one used in this chapters is the best looking. If you have any thoughts I'd love to hear them.

The fights between Lancer, Saber vs Berserker, and Y/N vs ??? (from his perspective) brought with it many questions, some answers, and a possible ally. Who wouldn't like to have a strong a shit ally, slightly (incredibly) insane with someone who can sort of (most of the time not) control them, I know right? But with the revelations of Berserker's identity, Saber still had the same broken look on her face. Seeing someone like Saber, go from so happy to broken wasn't fun.

So after handing over the mystery person to Diarmuid, Y/N went to talk to both his girlfriends and friends

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So after handing over the mystery person to Diarmuid, Y/N went to talk to both his girlfriends and friends.

Y/N: So, I'd like to introduce Kariya Matou.

Kariya still looked freaked out, which considering his situation was pretty reasonable. On the other hand, none of Y/N's friends seemed too pleased at meeting him, this was also a reasonable response considering that he had attempted to kill Y/N, maybe 15 minutes ago.

Rias: If I understand it correctly, he's the master of that knight.

Y/N: That's correct.

Sona: The same one that attacked you, with the attention to killing you?

Y/N: Yes.

Rias, Sona: How are you so friendly with the person that tried to kill you?

Y/N: Because there was no way for him to kill me and there still isn't, he stands no chance. *Looking at Kariya* No offense. And within some enemies, there's a friend.

Kariya Matou: I-I had no chance?

Y/N: No, to be frank I could squash you like a bug not even using a fraction of my power. *placing his hand on his shoulder*

Flinching at the contact.

Y/N: But... Now you're on the winning side, my side. So unless you betray me you won't have to worry about that.

Kariya Matou: O-Ok.

Y/N: That's the "spirit".

Rias: Look awful pun aside, *Y/N's sad aw* who gave you those bruises?

Y/N: That, would be the person that I handed over to Diarmuid.

Rias: To be able to do this they would have to be powerful. Do you know anything about them?

Y/N: No.

Rias: But, couldn't you just read his mind?

Y/N: Normally yes, but something's blocking my ability to do so. When I fought him he did seem to have some weird type of "anti-magic". *looking towards Saber* I'm sorry but could we continue this conversation at home?

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