'No Escape'

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Shoto's pov: 

After a while I realized Endeavor wasn't coming back for a while. so I started rapidly apologizing to Shinso and Tamaki. " I am so sorry I got you into this!" I kept repeating. Eventually I looked over to see Tamaki's face was purple. "He can't breathe!" I exclaimed. Shinso was barely able to take the gag out of his mouth, but finally he did. It felt like it had been hours, and all of a sudden I heard crashing coming from downstairs, followed by shouts. 

"My dads came for us." Shinso said. He hadn't seemed worried this whole time, I guess he had faith in his dads. 

I heard all different sorts of sirens, and Then the smoke came into the room from under the door. The house was on fire. Smoke quickly filled the room, and none of us could breathe. Tamaki was the first to pass out, considering he already lost a lot of air due to the gag. I felt so guilty. I was the reason my friends were going through this. 

A few minutes later the door sung open, and there stood Mr. Aizawa. "Shoto! Shinso! Tamaki?!" He exclaimed, though he seemed confused by Tamaki being there. I was on the verge of passing out, and Shinso had already passed out. 

Mr. Aizawa broke all of us out of our chains, but I guess he couldn't get the shock collars off. Every minute or so they would turn on, I guess Endeavor still had the remote, and shock us. Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic quickly put us in the ambulances, and we were rushed to the hospital.

Aizawa's pov: 

It had been two hours, and Shinso still wasn't home. No reply from his phone. No reply from Shoto's phone. I rushed over to the Todoroki houshold and busted the door down. It was me, Hizashi, Midnight, and hound dog, against Endeavor. After we had been fighting for a while Endeavor set the whole house on fire. I left the group to find the kids, and when I got to the attic I opened the door. 

"Shoto! Shinso! Tamaki?!" Why was Tamaki there. Anyway, I broke them free of their chains, but I couldn't get the shock collars off of their necks. Hizashi ran in and together we caried the kids to an ambulance. Endeavor was in custody, so we went to the hospital. 

The kids all shared a room so we sat in their room, waiting for them to wake up. The first to wake up was Tamaki.

"What- what happened?" He asked as he sat up. He felt his neck, witch was red from the shock collar being on so tight.

"You were kidnapped by Endeavor." I told him. He then nodded, remebering what had happened. 

Time skip to when all of the kids woke up: 

Still Aizawa's pov:

Once Shoto and Shinso woke up I told them the good news.

"Detective Tsukauchi said that they sent Endeavor straight to jail, and there was no escape for him this time. They sentenced him to life."

Hey guys, I scared you with the title didn't I? LOL! I hope you are enjoying the book so far, and If so then go check out my Other book called Unexpected. It is really good!   Also, sorry for the short chapter!                                                                                                                                                                    Thanks,                                                                                                                                                                                     -Depresseddemigod

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