Forgetfulness Just Leave It Be

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Forgetfulness: *looks in his Taco Bell bag* Oh, come on!!!

Trevor: What happened, this time, F?

Forgetfulness: No hot sauce!! I asked for hot sauce for my chalupas!!

Trevor: Does it really matter, F? Its spicy enough without the hot sauce, isn't it? Stop making such a big deal out of it!

Malcolm: Yeah! Just eat your food! *eating his grilled stuffed burrito*

Forgetfulness: People can't do their darn job right! Sick and tired of this!

SkittishReflections: If it'll shut you up, there is Texas Pete hot sauce! Here! You can use this.

Forgetfulness: It's not the same!!

SkittishReflections: You know what? You need to stop being such a baby! Does it really matter? Its hot sauce! Don't make no difference!

Forgetfulness: I wanted the Taco Bell hot sauce!!!!

Me: Dude, chill!

pinkvenuss: Yeah, dude! Quit being such a motorboat!

Forgetfulness: *eats his food without any hot sauce*

Ethan: At least, he isn't wasting food.

Malcolm: Exactly.

This story was written on Saturday, September 18th, 2021.

A/N F, quit being such a drama queen!!! The Taco Bell people forgot! Let it be! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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