Godzilla 1998 Rewrites (Least Favorite and Most Favorite)

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A/N: Yeah, just me giving my opinions on something I've been doing recently. It's not really something I'm gonna be doing with anything else, Just me rambling really.

You see, After I finished reading Volume 2 of High School DXD for my studying up on My Godzilla Reader Reboot, I decided to take a break again and maybe do a bit of reading on some other stuff. And a lot of that stuff happened to be rewrites on fixing a Godzilla film that has been universally hated by many G-Fans. That of course being Roland Emmerich's Godzilla (1998) film.

Now, I've grown to appreciate this film and it's kaiju a little more and more

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Now, I've grown to appreciate this film and it's kaiju a little more and more. Granted, it's not a great film and it is rather low on my ranking of Godzilla films, but it's still an entertaining film none the less. It's just littered with a few flaws, it didn't seem like the kaiju in the film was much like godzilla in terms of what it did, some of it's characters aren't written very well (except Philippe, he was fun), the baby godzilla did seem more like raptors and the story and plot could have used work.

(Plus, It did seem like Emmerich had contempt towards the franchise when he was working on the film).

But the music was fantastic and wheather you see him as another version of Godzilla or another kaiju in the form of Zilla, you gotta agree that it has a pretty great design.

But the music was fantastic and wheather you see him as another version of Godzilla or another kaiju in the form of Zilla, you gotta agree that it has a pretty great design

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And The movie was followed by one of the best animated shows based on a film ever in the form of Godzilla: The Series.

(Also, a tiny part of me is actually very somewhat glad we didn't get the 94 film that we were suppose to get mostly due to some of the VERY similar elements it has to Gamera: Guardian of The Universe. And had that film come out in 94 as originally intended, it probably would have eventually resulted in that gamera film being changed from the film that we know it as from 1996).

Alright, so with all of that out of the way, I need to get to the point. As I was reading (and watching in one instance), I found two different rewrites in particular that really caught my attention.

One I really liked. And one that has really became my least favorite ever.

Now one thing I do need to put up is that this is in no means an attack on someone for how to do a rewrite or anything or even saying that one is better than the other; this is merely me giving my opinion about how much I enjoyed (or didn't) these respective rewrites. With that out of the way, let's begin.

My Least Favorite of all of the 1998 rewrites would have to be Mark Dies At The End's Fixing Godzilla 1998.

Now, let me explain what I didn't like about this and bring up something I did at least like.

When it comes to things I didn't like:

*I did not care very much for the Baby Godzilla subplot and how it was eventually turned into a cyborg (even has kiryu's freaking absolute zero canon, except not absolute zero).

* Mechagodzilla really DOESN'T feel like first movie villain like Mark says. If anything, Mechagodzilla is something more of possibly a second or possibly even third movie villain type. I don't know why, but I just feel like Mechagodzilla being the villain in the first godzilla movie of a rebooted series really works.

*This last one is more of a nitpick, but I feel like with a weapon as deadly as the Oxygen Destroyer, it shouldn't really be used on a specific weak spot on Godzilla to kill him. (Especially since it straight up killed him in the 54 film and ALMOST killed him in KOTM).

When it comes to things I did like; 

*I did like the moment of the old man wanting Godzilla to kill everyone and suffer for what they did, even if he knew that it wouldn't heal the pain he's felt due to the Bombing of Hiroshima.

*The Emotional moment of Momoko wanting Mechagodzilla to kill her so her research doesn't fall into the wrong hands was a great call back to Serizawa from the original 1954 film.

And that's really everything I didn't like and did like about that particular rewrite, it wasn't terrible, I do like some of the changes he made and how some characters were written and even certain things that call back the original film and stuff like that. But the choices like having Mechagodzilla being a cybernetic junior and being the first "antagonist" in a godzilla film really didn't fit right to me. Not an awful rewrite but I do personally think it should be reworked.

Now then, My most favorite rewrite of the Godzilla (1998) film would have to be MothGoji's Godzilla (1998) Reborn.

If you want to know everything about that, you can find it on his Movies/Games/TV: Reborn book on here or even on his deviantart. 

Now onto the rewrite itself.

What I didn't like:

Honestly, even after doing another read, there still isn't much that I can find when it comes to actually disliking or even nitpicking about.

What I did like:

(There is actually a LOT of stuff in this that I like. But I will 

*Nick (called Sam in the rewrite) and even the other scientist characters felt better written (and even more active in the story).

*The addition of the president planning to nuke New York in order to try and stop Godzilla really adds more tension to the situation that the characters are already in.

*I also love the idea how the dropping of the bomb on new york wouldn't just be a problem for the city and state, but it would be a problem for the entire country as a whole for the future as well. Plus it would only make the problem with Godzilla worse, regardless if he survives the nuke of not.

*Love the mention of the events of the original film to a certain compacity in this rewrite.

*A better strategy is implamented in taking down Godzilla rather than trapping him in one spot and unleashing several misstles on him.

*Nice references to other Godzilla media with the variants of weapons.

*The mayer's death within this rewrite was a much needed thing considering the character in the actual film.

*Nice call back to the early heisei films with the ending.

And really over all, I personally found this rewrite to be the most closest with the film it's rewriting while at the same time having enough differences from the actual product to where it's sort of own thing as well and I really appreciate that balance a lot.

And uh.... that's really everything honestly. Again, the entire point of this whole page in general was just me giving my opinions on these two specific rewrites. And overall it's just me rambling and shit. And really, I think people are bound to have their own opinions when it comes to particular rewrites of certain movies.

Anyways, I'm going to be going to bed now because by the time I posted this, it's nearly 3 in the morning.

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