Ch 03. Sunset Talk: Candy Store

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It's a peaceful trip from the school to the town, even more on days like these where Sotoka skips the full trip by sleeping on my shoulder.

When we arrived at our destination, we said our goodbyes to the driver and started stretching ourselves after we landed on the street.

"Shall we go then?"

"Yeah, let's go!"

We started walking through the town's streets. There's something like a charming peaceful aura surrounding these kinds of places. The lack of people on the streets and the calm atmosphere made this walk really enjoyable.

Our destination was a candy shop runned by a girl named Iris, but almost everyone around here calls her Candy lady. Iris' eyes are light blue colored and she has long blond hair that reaches to her elbows. She seems to be in her twenties, but no one between the kids seems to know her real age.

Of course the adults here know about her real age, but they only joke around the topic, making it even more mysterious.

When we were about to reach the store, we saw a tanned girl running through the street that led to the beach. She was carrying a bag full of ice creams in her hands while muttering a song.

The mysterious girl was wearing a blue sukumizu, dark green shorts that hardly passed the half of her upper thighs and a pair of sandals. She had crystal green eyes and short bob hair full of uneven cuts. It almost looked like she was the one who cut her own hair. Her body looked like the one of a sports girl, that means that there was no excessive amount of fat on her, front and back included.

Sotoka and I were stunned with the sight of the girl, so we stopped right there, outside of the shop without doing anything else. Suddenly, a familiar voice called to us, it was the Candy lady.

"Oh, Sotoka, Eriko, it's nice to see you girls! What can I give you today?"

She has a big bright smile and sweet voice, maybe that's why sells candies? Shaking those thoughts out of my head I answered her question.

"We came here looking for some ice cream, do you still have some, right?"

I asked her while giving a furtive look to where the mysterious girl headed.

"Oh, don't worry about that, I still have some ice cream left! Hahaha."

The Candy lady headed to where the ice creams were. She didn't tell us anything about the girl that was here just a few minutes ago. It's not like we were asking her to tell us something, but it should be obvious to her that we were intrigued by who that girl was.

"Hey Iris! Give me the peach flavored one!"

"Okay, okay. Calm down, Sotoka. What about you, Eriko?"

"I'll take a strawberry one, please!"

"Hahaha. What a cute pair you are, girls. Here they are, enjoy!"



We sat down on the wooden bench that was outside of the shop and started enjoying our sweets. At the same time, there was no sight of the mysterious girl and Iris had headed to the inside of the store.

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