Ch 34. Spilling The Beans

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"... And that's what happened..."

I let out a long sigh after saying those words. Right now we were in the middle of an empty classroom during after school hours. The ones who were with me were Sotoka, Clair and Kasumi.

"Whoa! That sounds really intense, right?"

"Of course it was! I ended up telling her almost everything!

Hearing that, the blushed Sotoka shivered on her spot, unable to say anything.

"It's so nice hearing that you two are finally going out. Took you long enough, though."


"Come on, Kasumi, don't say something like that. But yeah, it took them long enough."

"You too, Clair?!"

We laugh the matter away, but they might be right, now that I look back, you could say that it took us a long time to start going out.

However, they are able to say something like that just because we started going out. In other words, maybe, just maybe, it was only at that moment when both of us were ready to take the next step.

"Whoaa! Now they'll be flirting around during our club activities!"

"C-Come on, we won't...!"

"Oh no! They'll be all lovey-dovey!"

"We won't! Come on, Sotoka, say something!"

"W-Well, I was hoping that we could at least..."


A blushed Sotoka had just said something unbelievable. The usually cheerful and carefree Sotoka is currently behaving as a bashful wife!

Of course, Clair and Kasumi weren't able to hold such a cuteness strike, and both of them fake-fainted and fell to the ground in the most over exaggerated and teatrical way they possibly could.

"Whoaaa! What a cutie~"

"Oh my god, I need to get someone like her."

"D-Don't say that stuff! Sotoka is mine, mine alone!"

Hearing them saying that stuff made me stand and shout some words that I would have never expected to say. Obviously, Clair and Kasumi fell even lower, so right now, both of them are simply laying on the floor, with one of their hands covering her faces, and the other, extended towards the ceiling in a very dramatic pose.

Sotoka also reacted to my words, making her face so red that it looked as if she was about to explode. It seems that such a strong declaration was actually very intense and difficult to handle for a Sotoka in her newly wed bashful wife mode.

"W-What a cute pair..."

"Oh Lord, what did I do to deserve such a cute couple as friends..."

"Come on, stop this already!"

This has gone really far and out of the matter, so I needed them to get back on track.

"Oh, but I'm being serious, you know? I've never thought of my love like something that can be reciprocal... But, seeing you two, gives me the courage to try! Hehe."

Clair was obviously scheming something, but I was too scared to ask. Well, I really hope it ends well for her, at least within the law standards.

"Sounds really nice, you know? I hope I could fall in love soon~"

"You'll find someone interesting, Kasumi!"

"You've never been in love?"

"Nope, not at all. Sounds so nice..."

"Well be sure to help you when the time comes!"

"Yeah, we will! Hehe~"

"Thanks, girls. I really appreciate it."

There was this weird sense of nostalgia mixed between Kasumi's words. Maybe she was feeling lonely? Left out? However, none of us could knew that her (weird) soulmate had just arrived into our town.

Right during our little talk, in a place not so far away, a cool looking girl was getting off of a fancy car.

"This is..."

"That is right, my Lady, this is going to be our new home."

"This place looks awful! No, this whole town looks like as if it has been forgotten by God itself!"


The elegant butler said nothing as the girl continued with her tantrum.

"What was the name of this filthy town again?!"

"I'm sorry, my Lady, but I can not recall it..."

"Geez, you are useless as ever, Ivan! Now, carry my luggage to wherever my room is supposed to be, please. I'll go and take a look around the house."

"We will be serving dinner soon, so please do not be too distracted."

"Don't tell me what to do, Ivan! Right now I'm really pissed off!"

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