Ch 9. Club Activities

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Kasumi grabbed Sotoka's hand and started rushing through the building, so I was left with no other option but to follow them.

"W-Wait, wait! Where are we going?!"

"Well, since you didnt come and I wasted a lot of time searching for you, we are kind of late. Come first and ask questions later!"

What an awful interpretation of the equally awful mantra <shoot first ask questions later>. But I must say that Kasumi wasn't that far off from living her life that way, or that was the impression she gave me.

We were running through the long corridor until we reached the stairs. Unsurprisingly, that wasn't enough to stop Kasumi's rush, so we also went down running through them.

"Oi, oi! Isn't this really dangerous?!"

"Only if you fall! Hahaha~"

I thought that there was no way left to prove that Kasumi was an airhead, but that response proved me wrong. She was clearly even less trustworthy than I had expected.

"Well, she is right, Eriko. Fufufu~"

Sotoka, another airhead, was truly enjoying herself. It seems like a change of pace from time to time could be really interesting.... No! There's no way I'll get used to this!

We exited the school building through the front door. Since I was expecting for us to be heading towards the club room, I had to ask about what was going on.

"Weren't we going to the club room? We have just left the school!"

"Yes, that's where we are going! We are almost halfway there!"

After running for a few minutes, we reached our goal: An old, battered Subaru van. On its side, there was Sapphire, our supposedly club manager.

"You are late, girls! Come on, get in."

"Get in...?"

"What's with that jalopy? Fufufu~"

I wasn't brave enough to say something like that about a teacher's car, but Sotoka somehow stole the words from my mouth. I guess there's something good about her being an airhead.

"Jalopy?! I think I misheard you, Sotoka..."

No, she didn't misheard. But the intense murderous gaze that she was giving us made Sotoka retract her words.

"M-Maybe? I didn't say anything at all!"

"Oh, that's what I thought! Hahaha~"

Just what was that? Right when I was thinking that there was no way for us to get into that piece of trash, Sapphire repeated herself, now with a cold voice.

"Now, get in."




The brainless Kasumi entered the van without hesitation even a bit. Maybe she was acquainted with it? But even if we wanted, there was no way for that car to be able to transport the four of us without being shattered to pieces the moment it started to move.

While we were pondering our options, Sapphire walked to us and repeated herself for a third time.

"Get in, now!"

With an evil grin she pushed us inside the van and closed the door. Before we could do anything to escape, she started the engines of the van. Suddenly, with something that I'll always remember as a miracle, the van started moving towards our destination.

"Yay, it's club time!"

"That's it, that's the spirit, Kasumi! Haha~"

Wait, isn't this... Illegal or something like that?!

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