Ch 27. Trying Out: New Clothes

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"W-Wait! Wait, Sotoka!"

"What's it? I'm in a hurry here, you know?"

I swear to God that I tried my best to come up with a believable excuse for why we shouldn't go there and start trying out different kinds of underwear, but the only one I managed to use didn't put me in a better kind of situation.

"I-I think... I think that we should better go and try to find some matching clothes, you know?!"

Sotoka froze in place for a second before starting shaking me from my shoulders with sparkling eyes.

"That's an amazing idea, Eriko!"

That's how, instead of trying different kinds of underwear, we started rushing towards different kinds of stores in what (I assumed) was going to be a less embarrassing journey.

Our first stop was a store of the sportish type.

Sotoka ran around the store grabbing and looking with intense eyes at different pieces of clothes. Sometimes, she exchanged things she was already carrying on her hands with the ones she was looking but other times she simply snapped her fingers and then ran in a totally different direction in order to complete the outfit she was building on her mind.

I stopped following her halfway through the journey. I mean, if we are looking for matching clothes, there's no way she'll pick something embarrassing, right?

Sometimes, some of the store clerks approached her, but even they stopped doing that because it ended up being obvious that she had a really clear vision of the final product on her mind.

Suddenly, Sotoka stopped searching for new pieces and walked to me with her hands full. She talked a bit to one of the store clerks and then she spoke to me as she lent me the items she was carrying.

"All right, Eriko, try these on! She'll help you with the hair. Normally, I'll do it myself, but I want to experience the whole revelation when you walk out of the fitting room. Fufufu~"


With doubts, I walked into the fitting room and started changing my clothes as the store clerk was doing my hair. In order to not spoil the surprise, the mirror inside the cabin was covered.

"L-Let's start with the first outfit then... Thank you very much..."

"Don't worry about it. Haha!"

Once we were finished, I walked outside in order to show Sotoka the outfit she had chosen and saw her with sparkling eyes.

For the first outfit, my hairstyle was changed into two pigtails, one at each side of my head and in the middle, I was wearing a red cap with a white front. I was wearing red sneakers and black socks along with a white skirt over some sports shorts that were also black and reached up to four fingers over my knees. My top was a red shirt without any interesting dessing. The final touch of the outfit were some white leather gloves with black fingers that I wasn't totally sure to wear so i didnt.

"It seems that the usually bookworm, Eriko is ready to go hunting some P***mon!"

"I knew it, you meanie!"

I threw the gloves at Sotoka's face and went inside the fitting room in order to try out the next outfit.

The next outfit was a pair of reddish sneakers and socks along with a yellow sweatshirt and shorts that were also yellow. Talking about the shorts, they had a black line on the sides and long cords that were tied in a bow knot. Under the sweatshirt, I wore a black shirt with no design nor sleeves.

For this outfit, my hairstyle also changed, now it was tied as a ponytail thanks to a hairpin that resembled a daisy flower.

Once again, Sotoka received me with sparkling eyes, a big playful smile full of joy and her phone ready to take some pictures.

I looked at the clothes I was wearing and couldn't help but ask her something that was bothering my mind.

"Don't you think I look like a bee or something?"

"Why do you think that?"


"Now, do the Rueda."


"Come on, Eriko!"

"You know I'm not of the sport type, right?"

"That's why I want to see you trying it! Fufufu~!"

I took off the sweatshirt and threw it to Sotoka's face as I walked once again inside the cabin. Just why is she picking this kind of clothes?!

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