Ch 13. Working as a Team?

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Even now, I'm not sure how we get to this point, but now that I'm back on my senses again, I can't help but complain about our current situation.

"Oi, Saph! Weren't we supposed to take care of the sea life or something like that?"

"We never said something like that. Haha~!"

No, I'm sure about it, they surely did say something like that. Still, we are fishing while sitting over some rough rocks.

Kasumi is wearing the school sukumizu and unbuttoned shorts. On the other hand, Sapphire and Clair added big hats to their sea outfits in order to protect herself from the sun.

I wasn't expecting to see them wearing bikinis, but that was the case right now. However, I can't help but feel pity for Sapphire, somehow, the one that looked like an adult between the five of us, was Clair.

"And what about having fun? I'm sure you said that too..."

"Uh? What are you talking about? This is really funny. Hehe~"

"That's right! Fishing is a really thrilling activity, you know?"

Claire retorted to my words, and Kasumi followed her. I know that there are people somewhere that enjoy fishing, but I can't understand the appeal of the activity. Besides, I don't get how this is related to protecting sea life.

"You should relax a bit, Eriko. That kind of attitude is bad for your shoulders."

And that's Sapphire again, the last kind of person whose advice I'll listen to. She isn't even fishing, she is just laying right there, over a towell and under a parasol, with a big hat covering her face.

"And what are we supposed to do if we somehow managed to catch something?"

"You put them inside these."

Sapphire pointed her finger aimlessly. She wasn't even close to pointing at the coolers she had nearby, because they were on the opposite side. But I somehow managed to guess she was referring to them, or maybe it was because that was the only option that made sense in this kind of situation.

"Besides, we always catch something, so don't be that pessimistic. Haha~"

"Did you say, we?"

"Is there something bad with that?"

"N-No... Not at all..."

Of course it was, again, she was actually doing nothing but laying there, on the rock. BUt there's no way I'll say something like that. At least not after she asked that question with that serious tone.

I turned my gaze at Sotoka who was sitting by my side. She was about to fall asleep, but somehow she had a smile drawn on her face. Maybe she was enjoying this new experience?

When I was wondering about the benefits and demerits of being near the three weirdos of the Kaiou's Sea Fanclub, I felt something warm on my shoulder. It was Sotoka's cheek, she had finally fallen asleep.

I intended to put down the fishing rod in order to pat Sotoka's head, but right when I was about to do that, I felt something pulling it down into the sea.

"W-What is this?!"

"Oh, the first of the day!"

"Nicely done, Eriko!"


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