Ch 14. Kaiou's Sea Fanclub's Girls, Assemble!

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My body was suddenly pulled towards the sea along with the fishing rod. I managed to hold my ground, sadly, not before being pulled a few inches away, meaning that Sotoka, who was leaning on my shoulder, fell right to the rock where we were sitting.

"Oh my...! That must have hurt! Hehe~"

"AAAAA! What are you doing, Eriko?!"

Sotoka was rolling on the ground with both of her hands covering her reddish face. I couldn't tell if it was red due to the fall or because she was embarrassed by falling to the ground while sleeping.

However, I'm not in a position to help or comfort her, even more, I feel like if I get distracted even by a second, the fishing rod would sink deep into the sea, me included.

Even more, I can't let go of the fishing rod. It's well known that they are kind of expensive, so if I manage to break or lose it, then I'll be condemned to eat non-branded ice cream for the rest of my life in order to pay the debt. Right now, my only option is to finish this and take out of the sea whatever is pulling the hook. Sadly, I lack the knowledge or skills to do something like that.

"Go on, Eriko! Fight, fight! Haha~"

"You can do it, Eriko. Hehe~"

This is hell! The only help I'm getting are those chants coming from Kasumi and Clair. Sapphire is still laying on her towel with her face covered by her enormous hat and Sotoka is still suffering from the fall.

"Figh, Eriko. Fight~!"

"I'll prepare it for you once you are done with it."

"You know? I'll be nice if...!"

Right when I was retorting their useless words, I felt a strong pull coming from the sea.

I'm not acquainted with this kind of activity, so I lost my balance for a second. Luckily, I managed to get it back, but I ended up getting two steps close to the edge of the rock. That was really dangerous.

I started pulling the rod with all my strength while looking at the girls who were right there, standing and clapping their hands to what just happened. I could tell that I had one of the most worried expressions that I've ever had, but they were clearly enjoying themselves.

"Go on, Eriko. You almost have it! Haha~!"

"We need at least three more, for a proper meal."

"Come on, girls. Help me a little! Or at least tell me what to doooo...!"

Another strong pull and another two steps closer to the edge. Right now, the edge was two or three steps in front of me.

I tried to step back, but neither the rod nor whatever was pulling it gave up for even a single inch.

"Whoa, That was close. You need to be more careful, Eriko. Haha~"

"That 's right! The sea is really cold at this hour."

"Please, girls! I'm not jok..! Whoooa!"

Again, something really strong pulled the rod from the depths of the sea. This one was stronger than the previous one, and I ended up feeling my feet in the air, there was no longer a rock beneath them.

I thought that I was done for, but I felt some familiar arms holding and hugging me from my back. It were Sotoka's.

"H-Hold on!"

Although, we weren't safe yet. One of Sotoka's feet was mid air and the other was on the rock.


"This is bad!"

We started leaning forward to the sea, but at that moment, Kasumi managed to hold Sotoka from her back and then Claire helped her. Then, the mass formed by the four of us, managed to step back from the edge.

"That was close! Haha~"

"Really close indeed!"

"Are you alright, Eriko?!"

"Y-Yeah... T-Thanks, Sotoka, girls..."

Now that we are safe, we have only one thing left to do: Finish this four versus one sea battle!

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