Ch 24. Sunrise Talk: Bus Seats

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We got on the bus and looked for a pair of empty seats. Normally, even at this hour, the bus is really totally packed. No, maybe it's due to the hour that the bus it's so full of people. Afterall, people use it in order to get to their workplaces in the city. If we were using the bus during those days, we'd be the strange ones there.

However, today is Saturday, so even if there's a bunch of people on the bus, it's nothing compared to what we'll be supposed to see if we were travelling during the week, so we were able to find a pair of empty seats next to each other.

"Buwha~! I can't help but feel lucky to have these seats for us. Fufu~"

"Hahaha, what do you mean, Sotoka? Won't it be weird to have a packed bus during a normal weekend?"

"That's right, but the possibility of not finding seats that are next to each other always worries me, you know?"

"Were you worried by that? Just how spoiled can you be~? Hahaha!"

"Well, if it's by you, ​I wouldn't care to be rotten to the core."

With those words, Sotoka leaned her head on my shoulder and made herself comfortable. Could it be that she was worried about being able to sleep during the trip, or was it something more?

Uhm? Are you saying that I'm repeating myself? Well, even if I was somehow able to take those feelings out of my chest and asked her if she was seeing someone, I was also betrayed by them and ended up saying something that could have been interpreted as a confession.

However, for better or worse, my confession did not land. It's not like I was rejected or something, it's just that Sotoka is so dense that she didn't notice it.

Honestly, I hope I'll be able to do it in a proper way some day, but for now, I'm happy just by being by her side, afterall, if she is still single I can still be the one she starts dating, right?

With those thoughts in my mind, I looked at her once again. Her breathing was peaceful and so was her expression and contrary to her usual playful and energetic behaviour, she was really calm. In fact, she was so calm that I couldn't tell if she was sleeping or just resting with her head leaned on my shoulder.

Suddenly, while muttering some unintelligible words, Sotoka moved her body in order to be more comfortable, ending with her head resting on my thighs.

My body froze for a second, is she really sleeping? I looked at her closed eyes, but I couldn't tell.

I tried to think of something else while looking through the bus' window. Something different than the weight of her head on my thighs, the warmth of her breathing going down my legs and the soft skin of her cheeks that was on my hand. But there was a weird feeling of dizziness going through my head, so I couldn't shake those thoughts away.

W-Wait, what was that last one? I looked at Sotoka once more and my body froze once more. I saw something unbelievable: My hand was caressing one of Sotoka's cheeks. I can't remember when I started doing it, but if I should gess, I'll say that maybe it was the moment I started giving her a lap pillow.

I started to scrutinize Sotoka once more, in order to figure out if she was sleeping or if she was faking it all, but just as the previous times, I couldn't get anything out of her.

Well, if I'm already doing it, I guess there's no need to stop it, so I started caressing her cheek once again. Her cheek, her neck, her hair, everything was so soft and nice to the touch that I started dozing out. It was really relaxing.

Sadly, and naturally, I ended up falling asleep while caressing Sotoka's skin and hair. Does this count as sleeping together? Well, if it counts, I'm glad that I did it with her.

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