Ch 17. Sunset Talk: On the Rocks

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"So... It really was a beautiful dream?"

I asked Sotoka in order to get more information about her dream. It's not like I wanted to know more about her love interests, but I needed to know more about them. There was an uncomfortable feeling of emptiness and insecurity growing inside of my chest.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about!"

She was clearly flustered and the fact that she didn't want me to know about her dream made me even more uncomfortable. However, having these thoughts and feelings was the worst of all.

There was no way for Sotoka to be involved in a romantic relationship without telling me about it. I fell into another spiral of thoughts and questions. Sotoka noticed that something was wrong and she awkwardly tried to calm me down.

"D-Don't worry about it..."

However, since my feelings didn't match my thoughts, I ended up muttering some useless words while looking away.



Sotoka looked really puzzled after hearing my words and so was I. Even if I have this kind of feeling, I shouldn't be taking it out with her. Afterall, if she is happy, so will I.

When I looked back at her in order to apologize for what I've just said, I saw her walking towards me with a serious expression. Is she going to hit me or something like that?!

"No, no, no .I-I didn't want to say that! I swear!"

I started apologizing nervously while stepping backwards, but it was useless. Sotoka kept on walking towards me. We have been together for so long, and I wouldn't be wrong if I say that this was the first time that I had no idea what was going on in her head.

As you might be expecting, since I was walking backwards, I ended up tripping and falling right on my butt, yet Sotoka did not stop nor change her pace. Am I done for?

My heart was beating faster and faster, but when she was finally in front of me and she kneeled down, it accelerated even further, however, it was because of different reasons. Sotoka's face was right in front of mine, so I had a clear view of her shining eyes and beautiful hair.

Sotoka put her hand on my face and started to get even closer while looking right into my eyes.

"You shouldn't worry, Eriko."

My body started moving by itself and my face started to slowly get closer to hers. I could feel my blood rushing to my cheeks, and her soft and warm breathing crashing with my skin. My heartbeats were so fast that I wasn't able to tell them apart from each other. I feel so dizzy and warm that if you'd asked me, right now I'll tell you that I was drunk due to Sotoka's scent.

When our lips were less than a centimeter apart from each other's, right when I was about to close my eyes, we heard a voice coming from behind some rocks nearby.

"They should be somewhere around here. Eriko, Sotoka! Let's eat~!"

"Come here, girls! Saph bought some snacks~!"

Sotoka jumped back and so did I. Her face was blushing with a beautiful red and I could tell that mine was red too, however, there was something even more important, and it was the fact that I could swear that my heart just skipped a beat right now.

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