Ch 20. Parental Advice

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"A kiss?!"

I can not remember what happened after that. I can't even remember how I managed to get back home or how the fish that we hardly captured tasted! The only thing that I can remember is a feeling of dizziness in my head.

"I know that she probably didn't mean anything with those words but..."

I immerse my body even further on the tub, leaving just my nose and eyes out of the water.

That's right but... What if she was trying to say something?

Although I know that worrying about something like this is stupid, I can't manage myself to think in different stuff. The sight of her playful smile shining due the fire at our side is too beautiful to forget.


I let out a long sigh. However, since my mouth was under the water, it ended up turning into a chaotic stream of bubbles that exploded right at my face.


I jumped back as a reflex, and since I was lying on the tub, my hand slid at the bottom, making me fall back into it, making a loud sound and splashing water around the place.

"Argh... That hurt!"

I still wasn't able to recover myself from that fall, when I heard rushing steps coming from the corridor. Therefore, since my face was covered by my long wet dark hair, the first thing I heard when my mom entered the bathroom was her scared scream.


"Come on, mom! It 's me!"

I shouted back at her while moving the hair out of my face, so she was able to recognise me. Honestly, how clumsy do you have to be to not recognize your own daughter?

She let out a sigh of relief and then continued with what brought her here, now with a soft expression drawn on her face.

"Are you alright? I heard a loud bump from the kitchen, so I came here as fast as I could."

She said while walking towards me. She was worried, but at the same time, she was relieved because I looked to be fine. Once she was right by my side, she started patting my head. I don't know why, but when I felt her warm hand over the top of my head, tears started flowing from my eyes non stop.

"My my... Is everything alright, Eriko?"

"It's just..."

"Come on, Eriko. You can tell mom whatever is bothering you."

With tears in my eyes, I told her a brief version of what happened. In fact, just telling her made me realize that indeed, nothing happened. Could it be that I was just overthinking everything?

"In other words, you are worried about Sotoka going out with someone, right?


"Hahaha~! There's no way in hell that girl would go out with someone different than you, you know?"

"D-Do you really think that...?"

I looked right at her eyes, but there was no trace of malice on them, she was, indeed, being serious about that.

"Well, that's just my opinion. You two have been together for a long time, you know? But maybe you should try to ask her if you are still unsure about it."

That's right, there's no point of worrying myself about something when I can just go and ask her about everything. I just need to gather the courage to do something like that...

The courage to go and ask her everything... No, I can continue going on like this, I need to go and ask her!

"That's right! I'll ask her everything tomorrow!"

I said while standing up with my fists closed and my arms bent. It was definitely the pose of a fully determined character, just like those you can see on every shonen manga.

"Maybe you should wear something first? Hahaha~!"


I said while covering myself with both hands and sitting back on the water that was still on the tub.

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