Ch 37. Kaiou's Sea Fanclub's Girls

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"Come on, let's go"

I grabbed Sotoka's hand and pulled her in order to start heading our way to the teacher's room, so we could go out of this place and do some club activities.

When we arrived, we found Clair whispering something in Sapphire's ear. Of course, we weren't able to hear what they were talking about but it seemed like something that we weren't supposed to be hearing, because, as soon as they saw us, Clair jumped away and started acting like nothing had happened between them.

"Hey, what's going on here~?"

Sotoka asked as if she was pouring salt into a fresh wound.

Of course, none of them was going to answer something like that, so Sapphire decided to change the topic of our talk.

"W-What are you doing here, Eriko, Sotoka?"

She was so flustered that her words came out of her mouth and pilled on her tongue, almost making her choke.

"We came here so we could do some club stuff, right Sotoka?"

"That 's right! We still have a lot to learn about fishing and stuff!"

Sapphire and Clair looked at each other and let out a sigh. Maybe they were making different plans for today? But even if that was the case, why was Clair looking down, while, on the other hand, Sapphire was showing signs of relevief on her face?

I started looking around searching for Kasumi, but I couldn't find her inside of the room.

Suddenly, the door of the teacher's room opened wide and an exalted Kasumi showed in.

She had drops of sweat falling from her forehead and running through her neck. She had clearly come running through the hallways of the school's building, but before Sapphire was able to return to that behavior, Kasumi started talking, still without fully recovering her breath.

"H-Hey! I... Some... Tell you!"

"Come on, calm down, calm down!"


Sapphire stood up and grabbed Kasumi by her shoulder. Then, she talked to the rest of us.

"All right, let's go. I'll also use a change of scenery."

Everyone agreed to what Sapphire was saying, but it was on a different basis. While Sotoka and myself were happy about going out to do something club related, Clair still looked troubled by something. What's more, Kasumi hanst still recovered her breath, so she wasn't able to properly talk just yet.


"Let's go then."

"This is going to be fun, right Eriko~?"

"B-But...! I... Something...!"

"Come on, Kasumi! Or we'll leave you behind!


We walked to the Kaiou's Sea Fanclub's Girls official mean of transportation, in other words, Sapphire's car. Just for the record, when we arrived, it was not in any better condition than any of the previous times.

"Hey, I know what you're thinking, Eriko! That's mean, you know?"

"Just how...?!"

"It's awfully clearly drawn on your face..."

"She is right..."

"Yes, she is."

"Ugh... I'm sorry..."

We got in the car and Sapphire started driving towards the usual fishing spot used by the club. However, the travel was a little bit different than usual, it felt kind of odd.

Kasumi was sulking all the way there, since we didn't hear what she wanted to tell us, even after we asked her what it was all about, she refused to tell us. On the other hand, Clair looked off, as if her sight was lost in the middle of nowhere and Sapphire was silent, lost in her own thoughts.

Luckly, everyone went back to their usual selves as soon as we got to the coast and the salty sea breeze started caressing our cheeks.

"Whooa! I really needed something like this!"

Sapphire said while stretching herself after the ride.

"Right, Saph? This is great! Hehe~"

"Come on, don't call me like that, now, help me take this off of the car."


While Sapphire and Clair were taking out of the car the stuff we were going to use, Kasumi was running around the place, feeling the sand on her barefoot. I didn't notice when she took her shoes off, but right now, both of them were tied by their laces and hanging from her neck, right in front of her shoulders.

"She looks strangely full of energy, don't you think Eriko?"


She might be right. I mean, even if Kasumi is what you might call an energetic character, it isn't normal for her to be running around inside of school just to tell us something. Besides, she was indeed eager to tell us something, so...

"Maybe something good happened to her?"

The thing I just said was an extremely obvious and dull prediction, it was so empty that it wasn't even worth to be said. It was clear that something had happened to her, and that it wasn't something bad, However...

Sotoka managed to put my thoughts into words, even before they managed to came into my mind.

"She looks as if she was in love. Fufu~"

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