Ch 31. Aftermath

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I can't tell how much time we were kissing, but it felt like an eternity, and at the same time, I would have liked that it lasted for a little longer.

We stood silent for a while, Sotoka had a big smile drawn on her blushing face. Somehow, our eyes met, and in that moment, I could feel my blood rushing to my head, it was just then, when I realized what had just happened.

"Took you long enough, Eriko. Fufu~"

"S-Shut up!"

It wasn't just a meaningless response, in fact, I need her to shut up, because, right now, there's a wide variety of ideas and thoughts running through my head and piling into each other. However, Sotoka won't let me go just like that, so she started messing up with me.

"Why~ I mean, your blushing face is sooo cuteee~"

"D-Don't say that..."

"Oh, come on, Eriko! What should I do to make you understand~?"

She grabbed my hand and started approaching her lips to mine once again.

I don't know why, but instinctively, I pulled myself back, in order to keep a safe distance between us.



"Why are you running away, Eriko?"

"I-I'm not running away..."

"You sure?"


Doubtful, Sotoka leaned her head while still looking at my face. The fingers on our hands were still tangled, but right now, I had my whole back against my chair.

After thinking about something for just a few seconds, Sotoka strike again, this time, leaning half of her body over the table, so she could reach my lips once more.

Quickly, I managed to put my free hand on her shoulder and stop her charge.

"W-What are you doing, Sotoka?!"

"No no no. What are you doing, Eriko?"

"W-What do you mean?!"

"Isn't this what you were after?!"



What did she just say? I mean, there's something deep inside me that tells me that I'm falling for her, however, I never thought about kissing her or something like that. Somehow, I was just expecting her to acknowledge my feelings and to receive the same kind of feelings back.

But, as far as I know, I've never told her something like that. No, maybe I did...

Sotoka sat on her chair once again. She let go of my hand and crossed her fingers in order to put her chin on top of them. Somehow, she looked really serious. I couldn't help but look away from her.

"Weren't you looking to have a date with me?"


"Sorry if I got that wrong but... Did I really get that wrong?"

"I mean..."

"Didn't you want to kiss me?"


"Don't you love me?"


"Come on, say something!"

Sotoka said while slamming her hands on the table. The sudden change in her tone and volume shook me and made me look at her.

She wasn't smiling anymore. Right now, she had a worried expression, as if she was about to crack into tears. Somehow, I couldn't help but find this new facet of her really beautiful. I never thought that Sotoka would be able to show an expression like that. RIght now, the always peppy Sotoka was about to start to cry and I couldn't help but to be charmed by that sight.

"Did I really get everything wrong...?"

Sotoka's voice was so soft and thin that it felt almost like a murmur. It was trembling so bad that I could swear that anyone other than me wouldn't be able to get what she just said.

You can be really unfair, you know Sotoka? There's no way I could keep this all sealed inside of me if you show me something like that...



"I really love you, Sotoka."


"Of course I do!"

This time, I was the one who slammed the table while shouting words to the other.

Somehow, Sotoka still looked as if she was about to cry, but her expression was totally different. Right now, she looked surprised, but at the same time, she looked happier than ever.

Right, this is how things should be, after all, this is the most beautiful Sotoka I've ever seen.

"I love you too, Eriko."

Our hands tangled once more and I felt that sweet, plump and soft feeling on my lips once again as tear fell from our eyes.

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