Ch 40. Daily Life: Everyone's Fair Share

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After school.

The time of the day when everyone starts heading to their clubs' rooms or to their homes. Maybe some of them would go out of their way and start a shopping trip in the local stores along with their friends.

Well, that last option isn't something common around here. After all, in our small town there aren't that many shops around and the commercial district is usually closed around this hour during weekdays.

I continued reading, sitting in my desktop chair, until I finished the chapter of the book I was currently reading. After that, I stretched my arms and let out a peaceful sigh. I stood up, and then, I tapped on Sotoka's shoulder in order to wake her up.

That's right, all this time, she has been sleeping, lying over her desk and staining it with her dripping saliva.

<Whait, Sotoka is sleep?!> You might be asking yourself after reading that, but it's true. Even for such an energetic character like her, it is just logical that she needs to recover her batteries from time to time, the only problem is...

"Whoa! W-What... What time is it?! D-Did I just really sleep through all the afternoon classes?!"

I let my shoulders down. That's right, to no one's surprise, her trick to always be so full of energy is sleeping through the whole class. Of course, her grades end up feeling the downside of that half baked strategy.

"Geez... You know, you are currently under the teacher's sight... At this rate, you won't survive the incoming tests, Sotoka..."

"Well, I know that I can count on my favorite bookworm's help in order to survive, right? Hehe~"


I didn't know if it's due to her charmfull smile, or maybe to her careless attitude because she is still waking up, or maybe because of the thin thread of spit that was connecting her lips with her desk, but I couldn't help but feel warm in my heart. However, there was also a lot of stress piling up inside of me.

I ended up smacking her head with my book.

"You should also do your part, you know?!"

"O-Okay... Sorry, Eriko!"


The next day, a cheerful and motivated Sotoka greeted me at my door at first hour in the morning.

"Let's go, Eriko. I'll show you that I can also do my own part of the job!"

"O-Okay... Let's go, then!"

This is definitely a sudden change in her attitude, but seeing her actually willing to improve on her studies makes me want to support her, no matter what. However...

First class.

"Let's see who can answer this question. Hmm... Huh? What a surprise seeing your hand rise, Sotoka. What's the answer then...?"

Even the teacher was surprised to see Sotoka willingly being part of the class and being ready to answer her questions. So, after the teacher gave Sotoka the chance, Sotoka answered full of pride and with all of her might.


Next class.

"Anyone can solve this math problem? Of course, Sotoka, come here and solve it on the blackboard."

Once again, Sotoka was ready to participate in the class. She was even willing to go and solve a math problem in front of the whole class.

"This one is easy...!"

She said while walking towards the blackboard...

Next class.

I'm starting to see a pattern here. Don't tell me...

"Anyone can translate this? Sotoka?!"

"I do really like...!"

There she goes again...

Next class. There's an obvious pattern here. However...

"Who can tell Abraham Lincoln's most famous quote? Sotoka? Okay, tell us, please."

"Abraham Lincoln's most famous quote is...!"

Sadly, as you might be expecting, Sotoka's job was actually...

"That's totally wrong, Sotoka!"

"H-How did you mess up such an easy exercise!"

"It's beach, no b****!"

"T-There was no internet at Lincoln's time!"

A total failure...

After school.

"You know, Sotoka... Maybe we should really study together first..."

Sotoka, who was about to cry, answered me with her head still laying on her desk.

"Yeah, please... Thank you so much..."


Author 's Note.

Just to maintain a consistent naming sense, I decided to change the previous chapter's name, now being: Ch 39. Daily Life: Roller Coaster

Sorry for the inconvenience. Also, being chapter 40, please consider taking a bit of your time to leave a review/rating for this work. That'll help me a lot, I really want to improve and know your thoughts about this wonderful story!

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