Ch 10. Clubroom...?

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We headed to the town using the same route that the bus always takes. It's not like there is some other route, but the fact that we are taking the same way as always makes this awfully weird trip feel strangely familiar.

Once we entered the town, Sapphire kept on driving towards our unknown destination. The only thing that I was able to tell was that we were getting closer to the nearest beach of the town.

"W-Where are we going Sapphire? I can't stop thinking about this as a kidnapping, you know?!"

"Come on, Eriko, relax a little. We are almost there. Haha~"

"Yeah, Eriko, Calm down. Hahaha~"

"Let's see where this all goes, what do you think, Eriko? Fufu~"

Okay, I'm done with this. At some point, without me noticing anything, all the world went crazy. That's the only thing that could explain how these three girls are so carefree about anything that surrounds them.

Then, if everyone but me went nuts, that would mean that I'm the one who's wrong, right? I guess I have no more options but to play along with them, until someday they turn sane again.

With that in mind, I let out a long sigh and turned my gaze to the window.

When we finally arrived at the beach we got out of the tattered van. Sapphire started to unload from the vehicle some coolers and other stuff I didn't realise we were carrying until now.

"Finally, we are here in the clubroom! Haha~"

Kasumi said before starting aimlessly running around.

Wait, clubroom? We are on the beach, what is she talking about? No, there's another thing that is bugging me right now.

"Are you carrying beer on those coolers or something?"

It was a really cliché thing to say, but since she doesn't even look like a teacher I could help myself but ask her that question. Even more if we take into account that she was the one driving.

"Only in one of them. Hahaha~"



"Oi, Saph! You said you'll behave in front of the new members!"

"Of course I will! There's no way I'll get drunk at this hour with a few beers! Hahaha~"



Sotoka and I looked at each other with a worried expression. There's no way we'll join a club with a teacher as easygoing as her. No, there's no way a person like her would be capable of managing a club, no matter what kind of club it is.

A tall girl came to us from the shore and shouted at Sapphire. She had light brown eyes and long, black, braid hair. She was wearing a sukumizu, but she had such a height and proportions that she didn't look at all like a student.

"Oi, Saph! Pass me one of those!"

"Uh, oka... No! You won't trick me again, Clair!"

"B-But I could even taste it! Come on, Saph!"

"No, I'll get into a big problem if I do that. Also, these are Sotoka and Eriko, our new club members, go and play with them!"

"Fresh meat, I see... Nice catch, Saph, Kasumi! Hehe~"


Another weirdo has appeared.

"I was kidding! Come here, I'll explain what you need to do. Did you bring your swimsuits?"


"Uh, no, not at all... Can't we use our underwear?"

"Sotoka! Behave yourself please!"

"B-But... I don't want to start with the wrong foot here!"

"What a funny pair you are. Hehe~ Come here, I know about a place where we could rent some swimsuits!"

And just like that, we ended up following another mysterious girl towards another unknown destination. There's no way I'll get used to this...

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