Bloody Hell

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He howls in pain as I drag the knife across his chest.

"Don't feel so powerful know do you?.", I murmur coldly.

"That bitch had it coming.", he still has the audacity to spit at me.

I take out my lighter and flick the burning flame at his fingertips.

Sick fuck.

He howls again and in my sick and twisted head I actually smile.

I am actually getting bored.

I whip out my gun from behind the weapons cupboard and cock the gun while getting up from my squatting position.

"You are weak. You can't handle the torture that you inflict on others don't you little girl.", he smirks.

"Actually, I'm not ending your life no.... you see, all I am doing ... is getting rid of the root of your problem in the first place... and who knows.. if you are a ... survivor, You can live to tell your story of how a dickless asshole like you, could live without a dick.", I say, as I fire the gun at his crotch.

Blood splatters around and he yelps and cries and ... he suffers.

Once I am satisfied, I walk out of the room and not to the guard.

He knows his duty.

And I... know that I need a damn drink as soon as possible.

I practically run down the stairs and head to the bar.

I reach over the bar and grab the tequilla and toss it back.

AND.. OWWWW.. that literally grated my fucking throat.

Yeah yeah I'm a badass but I can't handle tequilla, the vile stuff.

I have no clue how much I gulped or for how long I sat at the bar, but judging from the drastic wobble on my way out of the club, I'd say it was a bunch.

Cursing while I battle to stand, I get into my car after a few unsuccessful attempts at opening my car, and rerve the engine through my haze.


The buzz feels great!. I feel like I am flying.
God knows why I decided to be reckless today but yeah it feels fucking fantastic. The windows are rolled down and I eagerly wait for when I drive out of this ally and feel the icey wind across my skin.

I step on the gas and drive out of that dark alley, which seemed to have gotten darker than I remember when I first got here.

I skid across the tar of the road, which causes smoke to fog up my already hazed state of mind, and also which causes a few cars on the free way to almost kill other cars.

I drive on the freeway like a maniac until I come to a traffic light .... and then while ignoring the red light at the traffic lights, I whiz pass the cars which almost crash into me and I laugh like I am Harley Quinn in Jokers ride.

My laughter is cut short when I am suddenly suspended in mid air as my car flips over a curb.

My haze seems to be getting more opaque and suddenly everything turns black.

2 hours later..

I groan as I pry my sticky eyes open and cough a ludicrous amount of blood up from God knows where.

Wait why are my eyes sticky?.

It takes me a full minute to realize what happened a while back.

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