Simon says

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"Well fucking shit, get going.", my father spits.

I really fucking hate his guts.

I head out to my car and dismiss the driver. My belongings... such as guns, weapons, poison, darts, ... you get the gist.

Ah yes airport security?. Nah. The Greyards ride on private... well which mafia doesn't?.

I shut the door of my Audi R 8 and pull out of this mansion.

Quiet frankly I want to get far away from him as possible.

I drive like a maniac and reach the areodrome that we own.

If I be late, he would probably take a bullet to me... it's happened before.. dumb fuck.

I get out of the car and head straight into the plane and reach the cabinet for a glass and Hennessey.

"Good evening Mr Greyard. Do you need anything?.", a sultry voice from behind me echoes.

I turn around seeing our private flight attendant who looks at me suggestive manner, while biting her lips.

Yeah well I am fucking pissed.

"You could do me one thing... Get the fuck out of my sight and don't bother me until the end of this flight.

Her face falls, but she scurries away because I am scathing.

Always giving me his dirty work. Dick.

I sit on the fine leather and pull out the whiskey off the tray that was suddenly at my side.

I didn't even bother to look for a glass, I just threw the bottle back and enjoyed the slow burn of the amber liquid down my throat as I closed me eyes and waited to land.

My mind swam with thoughts. I wonder which dude is going to unfortunately die at my hands... All due to my father no less. If he keeps destroying treaties, even I wouldn't be able to protect his ass anymore.

This is a mafia not a fucking circus.

The buzz from the whiskey, which is now almost downed till the end of the bottle, assists fogging my brain as I doze of into a tortured sleep.

Lucchesse seven years old-

There is smoke everywhere. Dad had brought me to the werehouse with grandpa to teach me the ways of the Greyard business, I didn't know what business considering I was just a seven year old lost boy born into the life of sin.

I remember dad pulling my dainty little hands so that I could match up his speed.

I wanted to cry but I know how mad dad would be.

This place had a funny smell, like dried urine ... A very unpleasant odor might I add.

I was listening as intently as dad showed me the future that awaited me.

A wooden crate filled with straw...
"What can I do with this?.", I questioned dad.

He chuckled darkly.

"Look further son.", He cooed.

I struggled to bend over the crate that was taller than me, and dad ended up getting frustrated with my current height, that he aggressively pulled out a huge rifle that made me gulp.

The silence was deafening as dad awaited my reaction.

I didn't need to reply because all I heard was a bang and then the building started filling up with smoke.

Dad ran out as all the body guards had come to alert dad that there had been a breach in the Wearhouse and "shit's going down now." Stuff.

I remained in dads 'office', as per his orders.

I was worried as there was now many gunshots.

I woke up from my under dads desk and tried to peek outside the door, but I was met with a deep surprise.

My grandfather is dragging himself from the hallway into my room.

I don't take it in early, but then only do notice that his ribs have been shot. I felt the tears welling up, but I choke back my crying fit and try to help him.

Suddenly the tall man in with black gloves and a scar across his eyes, yanks me back and throws me against the wall.

I struggle to raise my head and God I wish I didn't.

I witnessed my grandfather die with a bullet lodged right in the centre of his forehead, and I watch helplessly as his body falls limp and his eyes glaze into oblivion.

"What the fuck!", I yell, as I rouse out from that fucking nightmare.

Every night. Every day. Every fucking time I close my eyes, the same scene plays in my head.

How did I end up this fucked up you ask?... Well, watching your grandfather die at the age of seven... Makes you realise alot about the world that many did not know.

I rub my eyes as I adjust them to see outside the window of the plane, and I notice we are about to land.

How fucking long was I asleep for?.

I take my abandoned whiskey which I had abandoned and wave over the whore hostess, as she brings a bucket of cubes which I dunk into the whiskey glass.

I drink my whiskey as I wait for Simon to command me my next task.

Fucking asshole of a dick dad.


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