Under the spotlight

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I hear voices.

Not the type of voices that crazy people hear, but distinct voices.

I am sure one of them is Papà's voice.

Behind my eyelids I feel the bright light.

...and thats when I jolt upright. The putrid stench of the hospital.

I groan in pain as I find my hands having many needles attached through them.

What. The. Actual. Hell?.


The hospital.

My eyes adjust to the bright room and I squint as I spot an all too familiar figure.

Papà looks furious.

"What happened Arania?.", He asks in a low menacing voice.

"I don't know.", I roll my eyes.

Wait for it.




"YOU DON'T KNOW???!", He roars.

I wince at the loudness of his voice and he immediately softens his voice.

"You're all I have left Arania and mafia or not, you are a priority.", He sighs in frustration.

"It was a misunderstanding. I take full responsibility papà. You know that I hate when men underestimate my ability.", I lie easily.

This can backfire if he only knew.

"By the angel Arania, you don't have to beat up men and almost kill yourself to prove a point.", He growls.

"Did you just use a Shadowhunter reference?.", I giggle.

"Your weird Netflix show has grown on me a little.", His lips curve up.

I missed our banter before everything got too serious.

My smile fades as I think of Lucchesse.

Was he the one who put the hit on me?. I wouldn't put it pass him, he is a daddy's boy.

Suddenly Papà jumps up from his chair and I swivel my head to the door.

There is a huge amount of commotion and I instantly freeze up because I recognise that voice.

That fucking voice.

"Let me see her!.", Lucchesse yells.

Fucking perfect.

He then storms into the room that I am in, passing Papà and not even acknowledging his presence.

"Fuck Arania are you alright?", he softens his voice but his eyes are widened in worry.

I on the other hand... Am too stunned to speak.

"Wha-?", I get cut of by the sight of Papà stalking towards Lucchesse.

He grabs his collar and shoves him against the wall.

"Papà stop!.", I yell.

He doesn't.

I act on impulse and yank the needles out of my hands... but I underestimated the yank power and now my hands are bleeding.

I ignore the blood and hop towards my father and Lucchesse and I step in between both of them and that forces papà to stop his oncoming punch.

On reflex I close my eyes (just incase), and something weird happens.

My entire body shakes with chills.

"Arania.", I hear Papà gasp, but I am already feeling too weak to stand. The back of my knees give up and just then a pair of arms life me up bridal style and place me on the uncomfortable bed.

I hear muffled voices before I drift off into a memory of my mother.


(Few hours prior to Arania's accident)

Mind blowing.

She's addictive.

I lay here panting with her on top of my chest.

I've been with plenty of women and non of them could compare to this. I frown when she moves her legs and winces. I follow her direction of sight and wickedly smile as I watch my release trickle down from between her thighs.

My dick shockingly twitches and I ignore it as I notice her discomfort.

"Don't move. I'll clean you up.", I say as I move to the bathroom to run her a bath.

I have never done this in my life. The whole after care and romance. I briefly cuddled with her. Stupid mind fuck.

I let the water to fill the tub while I wash my face with cold water and try to recompose myself.

After the water fills, I call out to her but she doesn't answer.

Maybe she fell asleep.

I walk out of the bathroom and into the room.

Fucking shit.

I don't see Arania in the room neither do I see any of her belongings. My jaw clenches at the thought of her just leaving.

I growl and contemplate running after her but I refrain from doing so because chasing is not my thing, (That and the fact that my asshole father had called).

In annoyance, I swipe the answer icon harder than I need to and I answer the phone with venom seeping through in my tone.

"What?", I growl.

"Watch your tone boy, I gave you life and I can easily put a bullet through your worthless brain.", dad taunts.

I bite my tongue because God knows things can and will get ugly if either of us loses our temper.

"Sorry, to what do I owe this call?.", I reply sarcastically but he doesn't detect it.

"As always I'm cleaning up your messes, I called to let you know that I have a hit on that Red Assassin problem you have in your hands. She won't be a problem anymore, infact I am tailing her right now.", He finishes his great monologue and cut the call abruptly.

My braincells process the information in milliseconds and without a second thought, I am sprinting to my car.

I dial Damien out of urgency and as usual he answers.

"Track the asshole, he has a hit on Arania.", I command.

I don't have to explain anything to Damien, he gets the message and within five minutes he sends me the live location of my fathers car.

"Don't kill him.", Damien says as he hangs up.

I am way off route due to the fucking traffic in this area. I swerve on to oncoming lanes to reach that fuckers car.

My blood runs cold as I notice my fathers car on the live tracking stop.


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