Blip on the radar

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I need to fucking get laid.

I have been more of a bitch than usual, snapping at papa... Enzo... It's all very unlikely of me and before you even think it, I am not on my period.

After that dumb accident I thought my mind would be at ease for a while, but no. Some dumb fuck thinks that they have what it takes to take out the red assassin.

Red assassin?... Well...

I got that name from my reputation. Killing and leaving a bloodbath behind is my thing. Hence red assassin.

Sounds cringe?. Nah baby... I fucking wear that title with pride and blood at the edge if my knives.

My knees still hurt like a bitch from all that glass but it was just surface cuts, nothing to write home about.

Papa keeps making plans about forming a new treaty with the Russian's, but hell, even we are not that crazy about Bratva.

It's been a week since I last killed someone and I need to do something with my life.
Killing is all I know and it's not like I can just whip out my 9mm and shoot someone for no reason.

Before I even comprehend my actions, I find myself at the closet picking out something sexy to wear.

Im heading out to a different club tonight. Where I can play predator for the night and get someone to fuck.

Ladylike or not, if men can do it, so can we.

Dick is dick any time of the week... Unless it's blown off like that slime from last week.

My hands skim over one of the sexiest black dresses I own and I cringe as I have to figure out where to keep my damn knives...

I could lay back for tonight and leave them behind, but in my occupation, it's not recommended.

I pick out the dress and head to the shower to freshen up.

As I step under the spray, my mind drifts back to the imaginary fucker who wants to kill me.

I have not a clue what he or she looks like. The American Mafia keeps their secrets well hidden, I'll give them that.

The previous leader of the American Mafia had kept his son hidden for almost ten years... That is until the Bratva had gotten a whiff of the rumour and killed him.

That is how the alliance was formed between the Italian and American Mafia. We figured it was the safest option since we were both targets.

As seperate entities we are strong... But when the Italian and American Mafia combined for war... We were unstoppable.

Well as unstoppable as it could have been for at least a damn year.

Ignoring the chill, I get out of the steaming shower and wrap a towel over my head and decide to not put any makeup.

I hate the stuff, but eyelashes enhanced with mascara never really hurt anybody.

After I masterfully apply my mascara, I dial a few of my friends and inform them about the last minute plans.

Not that it would be an inconvenience to them. They are the hardest partiers I know... Also I think they are scared shitless of me due to my uncanny ability to slaughter people.

Not that I would attempt it on them.

I then slip on the dress glance at the mirror.

A few scars here and there but I don't give a single fuck. I'm hot.

I find my black heels and slide them onto my feet, ignoring my feets protest considering it has been injured when I did crash.

I grab the glossy ruby red lipstick and run it across my lips until it sparkles and shines.

I give myself a final once over in the mirror and approve. This should bait them.

I hate being angry at people, especially Papa and Enzo, and since I haven't killed anyone since forever, the only other way to let out steam is by getting laid.

I manage to find my thigh strap and strap one knife onto my upper thigh... In case of an emergency.

I head out and see Papa sitting on his chair with his arms folded as he gives me a hard look.

"What?.", I ask.

"Nothing... Finally you're going out to get that stick out which has been up your ass the whole week.", He deadpans.

I chuckle.

Mafia dad or not... He is the fucking best.

I turn to leave but stop.

"Arania.", Papa calls out.

"Yes Papa.", I ask.

"You need to be careful... Lucchesse has probably landed in Venice and is probably trying to hunt you down as we speak. Be on high alert and watch for any tails when you're coming home.", he sighs.

If didn't know my dad better I would say he isn't worried... But I know he is.

"Papa, I got this. No one will touch me or this familia for as long as I can breathe.", I offer him a smile and head out.


I forgot about my fucking car. My fucking prized possession... Ah fuck.

I growl as I stalk to the BMW which I despise with a passion and hop in.

I don't want to admit how good the leather seats are because I would never hear the end of it from Papa. I drive old school.

I turn the key and hide my impressive expression as I hear the car purr like a good kitty, and I pull out of the estate and head into the road.

This time I drive the speed limit and avoid unnecessary trouble as I drive and cruise my way to Lectrà.

One of the clubs in this place that I don't own.

It's nice to be in a place that you don't technically have ties to anyway. It keeps up the mystery and keeps life fun instead of going places where everyone would seem to know you.

After all we all are a mystery.

I reach the club with sloppy neon letter flashing "Lectrà", and I throw my keys to the person on my right.

He is using white classy gloves and has his blond hair slicked back into a neat pony tail.

One thing about Italians.... Is that the men here are all that.

The valet rakes his eyes over my attire and I wink at him as he smirks.

Maybe ... Just maybe I might tap that tonight.

I walk into the club, not needing to wait in a long ass cue and head to the booth where everyone else is.

As I walk through the throng of sweaty and drunk dancers, I feel someone's eyes on me from behind.

It's not a good chill that runs down my spine, but rather a dangerous vibe. My gut feeling is never wrong and I swiftly turn around but see no one.

My hand subconsciously rubs against my thighs as I feel my blade and a sense of safety washes over me.

"Arania!", Hollers Gia.

I look to the booth and head to them with a smile plastered on my face.

Things still don't seem right.

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