Walk of pain

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As I am driving I notice there is this one mustang that has been tailing my bumper. It's not Lucchesse because when I look at the review mirror I can see that it's someone I know.

Somebody who is not Lucchesse but Similar.


Lucchesse's father.

I know that sly bastard anywhere.

He flashes his lights at me and I slow down my car to the curb, yet wisely not switching off the ignition.

You never know what could happen.

I instantly reach for the emergency weapon I keep underneath my car seat.

My heart relaxes a bit as I feel the cold metal against my warm hands.

The slightest move and I'm sending this motherfucker to hell where he belongs.

I step out of the car and make my stance rigid and confident. I note the ugly ass Mercedes which causes bile to rise to my throat.

Yes I'm not a Mercedes type of girl.

He parks right behind my vehicle and I quickly do a silent observation of my surroundings to ensure I'm not being ambushed.

Not that I am scared of death or anything but because he's an asshole and I am not dying by his hands.

"Mr Greyard , to what do I owe this pleasure?", I sigh.

He offers a slight smirk while he walks towards me.

My instinct is to grab the gun I had felt earlier, but I resist.

Play nice.

"The infamous Ariana Lucévico... What a pleasure to finally meet you.", He says, while looking me up and down.

His stare does nothing but make me want to vomit. Unlike Lucchesse, his father is a worm.

"I would say the same, but Papa raised me not to lie", I smirk, proud of my attitude.

His jaw tightens as he shoves his hands into his pocket and standing up straighter.

Why don't you piss on the floor while you're at it.

"Smart mouth too. Lucchesse is going to have alot of fun putting you in your place", he chuckled.


"I don't need an incompetent man such as your son putting me in my place. I know my place and it is definately not under the orders of the Greyard circus", I spat.

Probably not a wise idea to piss off the Greyards but I don't give a damn.

His eyes narrow to slits as I feel a change in his demeanor.

"Being a bratty bitch will get you killed missy, remember that", he turns on his heel, stops by his hideous car and tips his hat at me.

Being the insolent "bitch" that I am, I do a queen wave as his car takes off.

"Arania... Hope you enjoy my gift", he snorts as he rolls his window back up.

What fucking gift?

...and in that moment I knew I screwed up. I feel someone behind me and I turn around swiftly.

Some bulky person with knuckle busters are standing before me.

I should have known that this was a setup. Im losing my edge here.

I am never one to back down from a fight even though this thing in front of me outweighs me.

I sprint towards my car to grab my gun but this asshole grabs my ankles until I am yanked to the ground.

I kick him in the face and while he grunts in pain. I use this momentum to swing my foot into his abdomen. He grunts but still manages to get up.

I swing my fist into his face and it connects with his jaw, but he recovers almost instantly.

The unexpected movement catches me off guard and my stomach is met with an obscene amount of pain.

I clutch my stomach and howl. Fucking hell that hurts.

The asshole takes another hit on my back and I feel as if my spine shattered.

I obviously don't cry but I do fall onto my knees. The mans metal tip boots slam into my legs and back continuously.

I almost pass out from the pain but a dose of adrenaline surges through me as I shift the motion of his leg to the left and he is sent crashing to the ground.

I crawl almost like a zombie to my car and reach for the gun which is kept there.

I cock the gun and aim at his thighs while he is grunting on the floor from falling.

I pull the trigger and instantly he howls out in pain.

"Don't you ever dare, fucking touch Arania Lucévico again", I snarl.

"Do. You. Under. Stand. Me?!", I yell in his face as I crouch down and use the butt of the gun against his head.

He grunts a weak 'yes' and I don't waste another second.

I pull the trigger, shooting right between his eyes.

Someone else can clean this mess up.

I barely make it to my car as my body feels brittle and in pain.

My stomach is now bleeding and my body probably looks like a punchinh bag.

I drive like an eighty year old lady and struggle to maintain my clutch point. My fucking leg.

I let a single moment of naivety ruin my day.

I pull up to the estate and a sense of deja vu washes over me.


This guy needs a day off.

"Miss Lucévico are you okay?", He asks, looking horrified yet concerned at the same time.

"I am alive so yes. Open up I need to get cleaned up before papà comes back", I grunt in pain as I take a deep breath.

Even breathing hurts.

"But-", Enzo starts

"No buts, open up, at the rate I am bleeding I might die out here and it would be your fault", I say.

Enzo shakes his head and sighs while opening the gate I drive into the yard and park my car, well I stopped it on the path to our mansion and pulled up the handbrake, ergo parked.

I wince as I open my door, not bothering to even shut the door, and I limp my way to the massive doors.

My shoulders are on fire as I push the door open and stumble through it.

I make it a few steps until I feel really dizzy and fall to the floor, fading into darkness.

A/N: Dear readers. My utmost apologies for not updating for months on end. There was way too much of family drama and bullcrap going on hence I didn't have it in me to continue to write.

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