Interesting Entanglements

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"Fuck.", I groan while grabbing her amazing ass.

I kiss her hard on her full lips while she lets out her moans for me to hear. This one likes it rough. I can tell. I, without warning bite her lips and she arches against the wall.

She is submissive to me as I keep her hands pinned onto the wall and I assault her neck with kisses and her lips are paid special attention as I watch them swell due to my rough kisses.

I am just about to suggest we head out when of all the things, my fucking phone rings.

I really want to break this cock blocker of a phone but it could be important.

I groan and curse as I let her wrists go while I fish around in my pocket for my phone.

When I glance at the phone, my mood sours and I get pissed, really fucking pissed.

My dad should be called 'Pops the cock blocker'.

I have no choice but to walk away from this beautiful creature and towards a quieter area where there is a bit of privacy.

I swipe "answer".

"Yes sir.", I say.

"You can relax for tonight. I don't think she showed up to the club today. Rumour has it the bitch was in an accident a few days ago.
The bastard that fed us with the information made a mistake apparently.", He almost growls.

"K then.", I say as I hang up.

He fucking cock blocked me to say that?. He could have just fucking let it be. Now I have to find that mysterious and the sexiest woman I have ever met.

There was something about her. The way her hips fitted perfectly into my hands, the way her eyes had depths further than the ocean... She was just... Something.

I scan the club as I get annoyed when I can't find the beauty, but a few seconds later my eyes lock in on the beautiful creature I had my lips on moments ago.

She holds my gaze for about five seconds and then snaps back to whatever she was thinking. I watch as she goes to her friend and she says something to her while her friends eyebrows hit her hairline.

I wonder. Is she giving details of what just happened?. I smirk at the thought and make my way through the crowd to her.

When I do reach the part of the club that she was in not too long ago, I frown as I see she is not there.

A little hide and seek perhaps?.

A light tap on my back prompts me to turn around and I stare back at green orbs, not my mysterious creature ... But her friend.

"She said to meet her upstairs.", says the blonde and she dissapear's as fast as she spoke.

I scan the stairs which leads upstairs and I see a hint of a person with a black short fuck me dress, that just escaped my gaze.

She wants to play.


I walk up the stairs in stride until I reach a dimly lit room and see her figure.

She is standing, her back faced to me as she touches her thighs.

I walk up to her and feel her breath hitch, as goosebumps appear on her creamy skin.

I trail my hands along her right thigh and kiss her neck as she turns and kisses me hard in my lips, making me stagger to the wall. I expect her to attack me with kisses... But instead a cold heavy metal object which I know all to well, is pressed to my temple.

My shock is surely evident.

What the fuck?.



Grey eyes pierce mine and hold me as if I am in a trance...  he is fucking gorgeous obviously but... Why can I not pull the trigger?. His tat is a sign of danger.

He doesn't even say a word and that worries me more as a see a subtle tick in his jaw.

My fingers apply a bit of pressure on the gun but I still cannot pull the trigger. Where the fuck has my lady balls gone?.

...and I regret not pulling the trigger because he suddenly disarms me and suddenly he is behind me holding my hands behind me as he presses the gun to my neck.

"Let go of me asshole.", I growl.

His hold on me tightens as he pushes the gun harder against my neck.

A sick part of me is actually getting turned on. Yeah way to go Arania, get horny while you're gonna get fucking shot.

"Now now. You're the one who pulled out a gun on me... That's not very nice, is it?.", he asks calmly. Almost too calmly.

I ignore his question and counter with one of my own.

"Who exactly are you?. I notice a tat like that anywhere, so you're not exactly a choir boy are you.", I retort.

I feel him smirk as he brings his face close to the left side of my neck, the one which doesn't have a gun pointed to it might I add.

"A choir boy wouldn't be making you wet while trying to kill you for your little stunt.", He murmurs.

"And I am Lucchesse... Lucchesse Greyard.", He growls against my neck.

My blood turns cold... Yet boils at the same time, if that makes sense.

This is the fucking heir of the American Mafia.

"Considering you're stiff as a board, I think you've heard of me.", He laughs darkly.

"Maybe.", I gasp, as he bites my neck. I doubt he has a fucking clue who I am. If he did he would kill me on the spot.

"I am going to release my hold on you princessa... I'm not going to kill you just yet.", He says, while letting go of me. He puts a distance between us and instead of reaching for my knives and throwing them at him, I decide to play with fire.

"Aww... Just kill me?. No torture?.", I pout.

His lips twitch yet his jaw hardens.

"If you wasn't so fucking sexy... I would blow your brain's out 'princessa'... now...who do you work for?", He demands, while stalking closer to me.

I reach for my knives but he is quick to pin me against the wall again.

Damn it.

"I work for myself.", I state smugly.

"Is that so?... And what might yourself be known as to everyone?", He asks.

Oh wouldn't you like to know. My smile turns sinister as I say the words sure to rock his world.

"You're looking at the Red assassin.", I state proudly, and force my lips not to twitch as his expression turns hard.

His grip on my neck tightens. As he whispers to himself.

"No.", He says.

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