17. In waves of change....

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Uff! I've missed this place and also you all, hence I'm using this write-up I wrote for a caption of my artwork/story behind since I realised it spoke for hope.

"In the waves of change we find our true direction."

When I came across this quote back in lockdown 2020, along with a wave painting by a fellow artist, it hit me. I didn't knew the reason but I saved it, everyone's life during then was undergoing a big change, variety of changes, we change almost inside out? Emotionally, mentally, socially, academically (ahem ahem) and now as I looked back to it - what direction did I find? Or what was that one thing which I'm grateful for, the most amongst that happened due to Lockdown?

Then it would be His Guidance, no not to do more ibadah or to stay away from sins (maybe that's there but I'm a fallable human) but He opened my eyes to the truth and by far it's one of the best thing that's happened to my life. He guided me to the truth, the straight path, the path of saved sect (Insha Allah) and now its upto me as to how much I act on it. He opened me a learning path - to seek knowledge from correct sources and it's one of the immeasurable blessings of my life.

(May Allah make us all steadfast and give us Tawfeeq to continue seeking knowledge till death)

“This whole religion revolves around knowing the truth and acting by it, and action must be accompanied by patience.”
— Ibn Taymiyyah

Now you know, when you're going through something different/changes it's most probably directing you to a true place, you should be.

Coming to the lockdown of 2021, I was the same, broken, let down, hopeless and almost despairing of the fact that I didn't knew where my life was heading but then due to these hurdles in my path, it made me reflect and open my mind to the things I didn't used to think about earlier or ignored them and thus, He blessed me with another path.

All praise and thanks to Him, now my intention to write this caption was not to paint a holier picture of myself nor was it to show off my blessings saying #Blessed, please say Mashaa Allah and Barakallahu Feeki (if you care💜)

My intention was to tell you that all the changes which overwhelm and confuse us, make us question about where even our life is heading. That phase WILL PASS, EVEN IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE STUCK AT THE SAME PLACE SINCE A LONG TIME.

The journey/changes/lockdowns, they weren't easy not for anyone but with all the obstacles we faced, the hurdles we crossed, we were also rewarded and guided at the end. So hope the best from Him, whatever you're going through, There's Hikmah (Wisdom) behind it.

"The end of your painful journey, awaits a beautiful destination."

(Although you must take the destination as the worldly one i.e., after which you'll be having your ups and downs too)

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