2. Recompense

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It grips my heart everyday,
The news of a land burning,
Another waging a war,
One destroying the innocent,
Another crumbling the peace
We're left with.

Are we left with peace anymore?
The word itself sounds
Foreign to my ears.
As if it's been years,
That I sighed peacefully.

For when I see today's world,
I want to go back to yesterday,
Cause that was better but alas!
This is what we've come to now,
The Day is near,
So so near, that it makes me feel
All the destruction around me
Reminds me of just one thing,
For the innocent who were killed,
For those youths whom people tortured,
For these kids who became orphans,
For the women who are widows now,
For the elders who lost their successors,
For all the chaos they're causing in our lives.

Remember we will Surely be recompensed,
By Our Lord, The Most Just.
I used to think about Qiyamah
Was all about Weighing our deeds
And assigning places accordingly.

But now I know The Day Of Resurrection,
We all will be gathered,
Under His Mighty Throne,
And every single act will be before our eyes,
No one can deny, the doings of his hands,
And every soul will be given its due
That they faced back in Dunya.

Oh the weak human, do not weep.
Oh the one with a weak heart, Have faith in your Rabb,
And just one line brings me peace,
NAK once said “If you believe in justice,
surely you believe in the hereafter,
because this world is not just.”

Note - Feedback appreciated.

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