22. Free Roads

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Assalamu alaykum to all my beautiful readers, JazakumAllahu Khairan Kaseera for 1K reads (I doubt how much of it is true but) let's have a lil celebration, because never in my imagination I'd expected that to happen. I always assumed about myself that I do things for a time and most often I've seen that too, but this is a project which I don't intend to stop. Let's pray for the best and with that, stay blessed. 

I always wondered how do people leave Wattpad? Considering for me it was an addiction, I couldn't get rid of, but there came 2021 where my reading decreased but I was still visiting it and then 2022 successfully kept me away from it (Not intentionally, but naturally) I wonder, how weeks go by and I haven't even opened Wattpad but that's about it. Just 2 weeks back I came and was seeing my works here, wondering if I am going to write and post anything? And the same week, came this little reflection which I hurriedly penned down

A small gift from me to those who read and like (I assume) my work. It is really small but something is better than anything. Nay?

I just heard a scooter swoosh by me and saw that it was a girl. My first thought was 'Why is she driving so fast?' and then I realised the road was free and she was enjoying it. I wondered how would it be? If it was free like that always, won't we all enjoy it so much?

But it was just a once in a while thing and then I realised that's the way even life goes. We don't have uninterrupted, traffic free roads always, we have to traverse through the roads that lead to our destination, through all the hassle. The traffic, the weather, the diversions, the work in progress, accidents, etc.

There might be days when the roads are free, you might find some shortcut of that route but if we don't get that too, we've to travel through whatever comes our way, Be it traffic or weather in order to reach our destination.

If we say that the weather is so bad, the traffic is so much, if we keep complaining, we'll do just that.

Challenges will come but you can't give up midway, you've to face it all and reach your destination. 

Either you move forward or stay in the same place.

There's no two ways about it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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